“If It’s In the House I’ll Eat It”

I can honestly say I have heard 6 of my clients say this EXACT phrase in the past twenty-four hours. Amen to that statement. I add to that statement and say, “If it’s in the house I’ll eat it, so I don’t buy it.” I think all of us could pin point a food that tends to create a bit of a weakness in our attempts to eat well. Mine looks like this…

Screen shot 2013-02-26 at 9.29.05 PMOh my goodness…I LOVE caramel corn. LOVE it. So much. Weird, I know. I mean, I have a total sweet tooth, and love most goodies…but caramel corn is my ABSOLUTE fave. Because I know that sweet things are my downfall, I don’t even go there. I just don’t buy it. Why make things hard on yourself? If you know that by purchasing a bag of Cadbury Mini eggs for your “family” will result in you putting them on the top shelf and eating the entire thing in 3 days…maybe don’t buy them in the first place. If moderation isn’t something you are fully capable of, and you are really wanting to see some progress, don’t set yourself up for failure. Fill your pantry with healthy foods and snacks that you won’t feel guilty indulging in. Give yourself a cheat meal or treat on the weekend so you don’t feel so restricted if you need to.

I guess what I’m trying to say is, set yourself up for success, not failure. If will power isn’t your thing, don’t tempt yourself. Do what you need to do to create a positive and healthy environment that will leave you feeling successful, not beat down. Don’t have it in the house if it’s going to haunt you until you eat it.

Don’t forget to enter the February Mix Giveaway if you haven’t already!

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2 Responses to “If It’s In the House I’ll Eat It”

  1. megan d says:

    Can I get an amen. I try and buy treats that only my kids and husband -like fruit snacks (not a temptation for me) or holiday ones like.conversation hearts (really? Why do people like those?) So that I won’t be tempted. But then people drop treats off to me or I have to bake something for church or a get together (i bake waaay too much) and I am left with a half open bag of chocolate chips (never good) or something similar. I hate ‘wasting’ so I keep them for my next creation…but they never make it. I need to tell myself that I either throw that money away or I will pay in other ways.

    Or just when I finally purge my house of junk ross brings home more or my mom sends my kids a package full of treats. I swear the battle never stops. But you are right. I need to just not buy it or throw it out if it is not’worth it’ cause I definitely don’t have the will power and I definitely need to stop this weight gain that started in December and hasn’t stopped. Ack!

    Longest comment ever. Obviously this resonated with me and motivates me to be better about it. Cause just complaining about it isn’t going to do anything!

    • megolina says:

      Hahaha this just made me laugh so hard because I currently have a jar of conversation hearts that are still on my counter…untouched. More for decor I suppose…because they are gross. I can’t even imagine having a hubby who brings home treats! That is for sure a love/hate right? I love that you bake so much girl, it is a talent. Plus, if I could bake like crazy, and look as awesome as you…I’d be doing the same thing! You are the best! I loved your long comment. 🙂 xoxoxo

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