The Time Crunch Workout

Sometimes despite our best efforts to make time for workouts our time falls short. Some may feel that since they don’t have time to get the full workout they planned on that they are going to forgo working out all together. Well, I disagree! As I mention ALWAYS consistency is key, and though you may not always have time to execute your exercise plan, doing something is always better than nothing.

If time is short, you want to maximize your efforts. Work hard and intensely for the short amount of time that you do have. Full body movements not only work all of your muscles, but they will get your heart rate up. This means you will be burning the most amount of calories possible in a short period of time. The following workout is quick and intense. Move from one move to the next as quickly as possible, without rest. Repeat it as many times through as you can!


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4 Responses to The Time Crunch Workout

  1. Whitney says:

    You are seriously awesome! I’m going to have to try out some of your workouts 🙂 I still want to come to one of your classes sometime! I miss you and hope you’re doing great! And I love the new site!

    • megolina says:

      Whitney, thank you so much! You are so sweet! You can come to my class ANYTIME, and I miss you too! Love you darling! xoxoxo

  2. Megan D says:

    I love these workouts people post! I see them on instagram and I like to do them if I didn’t get to go to the gym or if I am watching a show (I don’t have a sweet set up to watch tv while I run on my treadmill). So thanks! I am pinning it now. Though burpees…they will be the death of me.

    And yes. I agree. We do need to get together! Lunch sometime? Fro yo?

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