Snack of the Day

There are not a lot of things I love about the winter season, but I will put voice my support for the good citrus that abounds. My favorite snack as of late? orange   I’ve been LOVING me some cuties. I throw a few in my bag before I go to work, and I always have a delicious little treat to eat. They are sweet, tasty, full of nutrients, and oh so pretty. Oh, and the ultimate bonus…they are easy to peel. My sweet mom used to peel my oranges for me growing up because I kinda hate doing it. I also hate the white stuff…which means peeling an orange for me is like a twenty minute project. 🙂 (Thanks mom!) Unlike oranges, cuties are a dream to peel!! Yep, I can do it on my own. I am soooo grown up.

One cutie has 40 calories, .3 grams of fat, 8.5 grams of carbs, and .5 grams of protein. BAM. Those are great stats. Plus, they are really easy to take with you on the go. They also make great snacks for your kids, so keeping them on hand is a GREAT idea!

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4 Responses to Snack of the Day

  1. Megan D says:

    I seriously won’t eat an orange because I hate peeling them (this is why I eat apples almost every day) but those cuties are heaven sent. Plus my son will eat 6 of them in one sitting. No joke. Also, I buy the pomegranate arils at Costco. I am the epitomy of lazy. lol. Super stoked that I can subscribe AND that you have been tweting the posts. You are so good to me 🙂

  2. megolina says:

    Haha, the tweets are just for you my dear. I think of you every time! Umm…and please tell me…What are pomegranate arils?? Like…pre-seeded pomegranates? That exists? Go on….

    • Megan D says:

      Yes. Pre-seeded pomegranates. Arils is the name for the seeds. It is genius. Plus you get two containers for $6.99 – they are probably what you would get from 4 ish pomegranates and those can be $2 a piece – and I don’t have to de seed them = win -win. Only problem is this way, my son just grabs the tub while I am in the shower and eats the whole thing. Oh well.

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