Move it Monday: Kettle Bells & Jump Ropes For Breakfast

I got an early morning workout in this morning, which I love. I feel like workout-wise I do better in the morning. I love having my workout over with first thing. It sets the tone for my day! I wanted to get a good circuit in today, and I that I did. I know some of you do these circuits at home, so i’ve posted some possible modifications at the bottom. 🙂


 (Click on the image to enlarge if needed)

At home modifications: Kettle bell swings can be done with a single dumbbell held with both hands. If you don’t have a place to do pull ups or modified pull ups, you can do bent over rows with dumbbells. Triceps dips can be done on the edge of a chair or stair. To increase the difficulty, you can put a dumbbell or plate in your lap. With the kettle bell lunge passes, you want to step back into a rear lunge and pass your KB between your legs. This can be done with a dumbbell as well. Kettle bell burpee presses go as follows: Hold the kettle bell or dumbbell between your legs. Squat down low, set the KB down on the ground and jump your feet back, chest on the ground. Jump your feet back in to your squat, pick up your KB and press it over your head. Squat back down, and set your kb down on the ground into your next burpee.

Don’t forget to enter the January Jams Mix Giveaway if you haven’t yet. Giveaway ends Thursday at Midnight!

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One Response to Move it Monday: Kettle Bells & Jump Ropes For Breakfast

  1. Suzanne says:

    I have a kettlebell that I don’t use nearly enough. Thanks for the reminder of a great way to incorporate it into a circuit workout!

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