Weekend Weather and Wednesday Wonders

So if you weren’t in Utah this weekend, you missed out on QUITE the storm. My sweet and darling family was in town, so we all were able to enjoy it together!
They were here visiting from Arizona, so they were thrilled to see a white out. If only I shared the same enthusiasm.

The weight of the snow wreaked some havoc on the trees by my house, and we got a whole lot of this…

Needless to say, some of us were home bound for a while.

But it does look pretty…from the inside?
Some of you have wondered about some healthy and delicious recipes for the upcoming holiday season, and so I thought I’d share some of my favorites…

English Trifle
Healthy Banana Puff Pillow cookies 
Cinnamon Bun Cake

 Make your holiday preparations smart ones! xoxoxo
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One Response to Weekend Weather and Wednesday Wonders

  1. Mars says:

    I love seeing all the pics from the UT snow storm! That’s crazy about those trees. I however, will enjoy them from the computer. I’m getting quite content with 60 degree evenings in AZ 🙂

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