Monthly Archives: October 2012

Make Your Cardio Quick and Painful ;)

I am always getting questions about the best way to do cardio. I know I have mentioned this many times before on the blog, but it’s always worth repeating again because it makes ALL the difference. If you are looking … Continue reading

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The winner of the Fall Favorites giveaway is……. Steph Rigg! She said…  I wish I agreed with you on the cool weather…but I hear you with the pumpkins and the fall wardrobe! congrats girl! Email me at megolina21 at … Continue reading

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Gone for now. Not gone forever.

Although when this is my view…I may consider never coming home. Be back soon.

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Costco Laps Count, Right?

Remember how I planned THIS group trip to Lake Powell Last year?  Well it is that time of year again. I’m prepping a trip for 40 people for the weekend, and it may or may not take some effort…I fully … Continue reading

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Fall Favorites Mix Giveaway

Oh my goodness. Today is the last day of September and I’m squeezing in a September mix giveaway right at the end of the wire. First of all…I can’t believe that tomorrow is October 1st. Second of all…I can’t believe … Continue reading

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