Monthly Archives: September 2012

Paleo Pumpkin Cookies…Bake It Off.

I, like MANY other people turn to the kitchen when I am stressed out or feeling bummed about something. However, when I turn to the kitchen I do so to create, not to binge. Baking is definitely one of my … Continue reading

Posted in Recipes | 1 Comment

Weekend Catch Up…

There is nothing like a little weekend getaway. Even if it’s just to Richfield, Utah… My friends are fun. That’s all.

Posted in Uncategorized | 2 Comments

Why I Eat Paleo?

So, I explained a little more about how I have been eating in my What is Paleo post. Now, I’ll try to help you understand a little more why I eat paleo, and what started the whole process in the … Continue reading

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