Let Yourself See Some Progress…I Dare You.

Consistency. I talk about it allll the time. Do you wanna know why I talk about it so frequently? Because it is the KEY to success. Seriously though. If you want to improve your lifestyle, lose weight, become a better runner, acquire a taste for working out, or whatever else…you need to do it consistently enough to allow yourself to see progress. If you eat well 3 days out of the week and do poorly the other 4, nothing is going to change for you. If you workout every once and a while, that is definitely better than nothing, but chances are you won’t see the results you are really wanting.

I have a client who I have been working with for the entire time I have been training. She is AWESOME. I’ve been with her through two kids, family stress, emotional roller coasters, and a lot of other reasons that cause weight fluctuation, excuses for poor eating, and so on and so on. She has seen success in the past, but she decided that she wants to get in the best shape of her life. So, this year she committed to me to be consistent. Can I just tell you the difference I have seen? AND, more importantly, the difference SHE has seen in her body, her capabilities, and her desire to keep motoring through.

I dare you to be consistent. 

I dare you to challenge yourself to stick to something for longer than a week, and when I say stick to it I mean really stick to it. Try to do something for thirty days, and be determined not to let yourself slip. NO. MATTER. WHAT. No sneaking cheat treats, or half hearted workouts. Give it your all. Allow yourself to succeed. I can promise you that you will see progress. You will see results, and the best part about this type of consistency is that from the results you see, you will be MOTIVATED. You will set yourself on a positive spiral forward that will help you to realize just how capable you are of achieving your goals. So do it! I double dog dare you! 🙂

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2 Responses to Let Yourself See Some Progress…I Dare You.

  1. Smith Clan says:

    Such a great post! Thank you! Thank you! So true. Nothing breeds success like success!

  2. heather says:

    “If you eat well 3 days out of the week and do poorly the other 4, nothing is going to change for you. If you workout every once and a while, that is definitely better than nothing, but chances are you won’t see the results you are really wanting.”
    Exactly what I needed to hear!
    Thanks for the motivation!

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