Monthly Archives: August 2012

Worth It.


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Farewell to the Olympics!

I don’t know about you, but I’m a little bit sad the Olympics are over! I had so much fun watching all of these amazing athletes doing incredible things!Some of my favorite highlights…– The women’s gymnastics team taking the GOLD … Continue reading

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I Forgot to Tell You…

So, there are a few things I forgot to mention from my AZ trip.  1) Eat at Sauce. I think this makes like the 20,000th eating recommendation I have for Arizona. How about if you are ever planning on going there, … Continue reading

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A Simple Jump Rope Dumbbell Circuit

Sometimes being home in AZ really is just the best. I woke up this morning and laid in bed, which is SUCH a luxury to me. Usually the moment my alarm goes off I have to sprint out of bed … Continue reading

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Summer is ending…isn’t it…?

UGH. I know that saying, “all good things must come to an end,” but that doesn’t mean I have to like it. There are a few things that always let me know really quickly that summer is over. 1. The … Continue reading

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Bananarama! Snack time!

A lot of people have asked me what I eat as far as snacks are concerned with my paleo eating. Here is a list of some of my favorites…– frozen banana chunks (they are like lil’ popsicles to me) So … Continue reading

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Hikes, Babes, and Polka Dots.

1) Hikes. I worked out with one of my AWESOME clients yesterday morning, and we did a high intensity circuit workout that made my legs burn real good…yet, for some reason on my drive home from work I was REALLY itching … Continue reading

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July’s Muncher Cruncher 30 Move Killer Circuit!

It’s here! Remember how all of July I threw all sorts of new moves at you? Well, it’s time to put them all together! This is a KILLER circuit workout that will surely get your heart rate up and have … Continue reading

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