July’s Muncher Cruncher 30 Move Killer Circuit!

It’s here! Remember how all of July I threw all sorts of new moves at you? Well, it’s time to put them all together! This is a KILLER circuit workout that will surely get your heart rate up and have you sweating!

There are a few ways that you can use it…
– Time yourself trying to get through it as quickly as you can. Work to beat your personal best time each time you go through it.
– Try to see how many times you can get through it! You just may surprise yourself
– Make it part of your running workout and add a .25 mile or .5 mile sprint throughout the workout.
**If you would like a description of what each item is you can click HERE and look back through July’s posts. All of the exercises have descriptions!**

I would LOVE to hear your results if you try it out! Post your time and/or how many times you make it through the entire workout in the comments! Happy sweating!!

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3 Responses to July’s Muncher Cruncher 30 Move Killer Circuit!

  1. Can’t wait to try this whole killer workout!

  2. I’m definitely going to be trying this!!!! Thanks for the awesome circuit. 🙂

  3. heather says:

    AWESOME! Thanks for sharing!

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