Take Advantage of the Season!

It is no secret how much I LOVE produce. That being said, there really is nothing better than fresh produce that is in season and at it’s peak ripeness. I know it is very hard for some people to remember what is in season. It can be even more difficult to know what to take advantage of in your local area. I found the BEST tool that is a great solution to this issue. Epicurious has an awesome peak season map.  Here you can choose your location and the time of year and it gives you a list of what you should be taking advantage of.

Here is what is at its peak in Utah in July…

 and what we have to look forward to in August…

Another cool feature? You can even click on a certain type of produce and look at recipes for that type of produce. Awesome… 

DAY #10: Ten elevated plank mountain climbers on both sides. 

This is an awesome core exercise that is great to add to any workout! If doing them elevated is too difficult for you, start out doing them with your feet on the floor. If doing ten on each side is too easy for you, up the number of reps you are doing, or add a plate to your back!

Do you pay attention to what produce is in season? What is your favorite summer fruit or vegetable? I am a HUGE fan of fresh tomatoes, berries, and peaches! YUM!!

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