July Fitness Challenge Check in!

So, at the beginning of the month I issued a fitness challenge for July.  With this challenge I have been throwing a whole bunch of new exercises at you, one a day to be specific, in hopes that you may decide to try something new out with your workouts! At the end of the month all of the exercises will combine to make a KILLER circuit workout!

How are you doing? Have any of you tried any of the new exercises out? I hope so! Remember that with each exercise there are modified ways to do them, so you can always start small and build up! Continue to push yourselves! You are awesome!

DAY #12: 12 Jumping Split Lunges on each side
These are an AWESOME addition to any circuit workout because they are sure to get your heart rate up. Start in a deep lunge with your right leg forward, jump up and switch you legs in the air, landing in a deep lunge with your left leg forward. This counts as one on each side. Continue jumping and switching legs until you have done 12 on each side. So awesome, totally killer. 🙂

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One Response to July Fitness Challenge Check in!

  1. I haven’t tried any of the exercises yet but you can believe I will be trying them soon! I think it’s such a great idea that you had to post one a day and then combine it into a circuit routine at the end of the month!

    Love your blog and have been reading since I discovered you through Janae’s blog about a year ago. You rock!!

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