I love when people accomplish their goals :)

Happy Saturday! This morning I was able to go and run one of my best friends (and clients) in as she completed her first half marathon. It was so fun to see her accomplish something that she worked so hard for. Congrats Jenna!! Love you girl!

I love being able to see people accomplishing goals that they work so hard at! I know that Jenna would say that she had ups and downs throughout her training, but she just kept at it. I think this is the way it is with anyone trying to accomplish health and fitness goals, or any sort of goals for that matter. There are always going to be road blocks. Injuries come, family parties full of all your favorite foods may thwart your diet, you may have a lack of energy, or whatever other thing may come at you…BUT, achieving hard things will only happen when you move past the pitfalls and keep going.

I think I may have said this one thousand times…CONSISTENCY. Consistency is what is going to help you achieve your goals!

DAY# 7: 7 Triceps Pushups

These are hard! Start by doing them on your knees if you need to. When you build up the strength to do them on your toes do that!

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One Response to I love when people accomplish their goals :)

  1. Jenna says:

    This post was so nice! It’s funny because all of these people have been telling me how *amazing* it was to run a half-marathon, but now that it’s over it doesn’t feel like that big of a deal. I set a goal and worked each week to make it happen. I have no desire to run a marathon, but I can see how people can make it happen.

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