I Just Came to Say Hello…

This is my niece at the pool yesterday. I think we should all follow her lead.

I realize this song is not new, but I shazam’d it the other day and I CAN’T stop listening to it. It is my new favorite workout song. 
I could do a whole post on how I think Shazam is absolutely amazing. If you haven’t made that a must have app on your phone, you most certainly should. Also…If you haven’t put this song on your workout playlist I recommend you do it ASAP. It is like a dance party in my head every time I listen. New music is SO helpful to making a workout more fun! 
DAY #25: 25 Second Static Squat Hold 
This is a great exercise to throw into your workouts to add an extra burn! Simply get down as low as you can in a squat position and hold it there! Throw this exercise in after a set of  regular squats, jump squats, lunges, etc.   
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One Response to I Just Came to Say Hello…

  1. I literally download every song on your playlists every month. Like you said, new music makes a huge difference. Last week I was feeling really sick of my music selection. Nothing was giving me that second wind pump up that I needed. I was superbexcited to see you had posted a new mix list. Thanks for keeping me going Meg!!!

    P.s I love the 1000 rep workout. I’ve been doing it once a week and it still gets me sore 🙂 I’m excited to put your workout challenge in to a list once it’s done.

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