May’s Music to Move to Mix Giveaway

Where in the world has May gone too? My goodness. I can’t believe it’s almost over! It is definitely time for some new tunes!! I am absolutely LOVING some of the songs on this months giveaway. Like I mentioned yesterday, the Gym Class Heroes song is amazing. Perfect for keeping you motivated through a hard workout!

The Fighter feat. Ryan Tedder – Gym Class Heroes
Live My Life feat. Justin Beiber – Far East Movement
She doesn’t Mind – Sean Paul
Can’t Stop Me – Afrojack & Shermanology
Living in the Moment – Jason Mraz
Wide Awake – Katy Perry
Where Have You Been – Rihanna
Ghosts ‘n’ Stuff – Deadmau5
Scream – Usher
Don’t Wake Me Up – Chris Brown
Demons – Imagine Dragons
Moving In the Dark – Neon Trees
Beautiful People – Chris Brown
Walking on a Dream – Empire of the Sun
Save the World – Swedish House Maffia
Take Our Hearts – Jesper Nohrstedt
Brokenhearted – Karmin
About Today – The National

To enter to win this awesome mix…

1) Become a follower/leave a comment telling me so (or if you already are one)
2) Tell me what is getting you moving this May??
3) Tweet about it, blog about it, Facebook it, pin it…you got it…comment and tell me you did so

Good Luck! The contest ends Thursday May 31, 2012 at midnight. Winner will be announced April 1, 2012. If you want to see past mixes click HERE.

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19 Responses to May’s Music to Move to Mix Giveaway

  1. I love your music giveaways! Even if I don’t win, it always gives me some new ideas for songs. This morning I was finishing up my first “long” run in the 1/2 marathon training – and in the last half mile I was feeling it and a big hill coming up. Then Nirvana “Smells Like Teen Spirit” came on and gave me the push I needed.

  2. And of course I follow you!

  3. eclairre says:

    gfc eclairre(at)ymail(dot)com

  4. Mel says:

    I already follow you!

  5. Mel says:

    The fact that i am finally feeling better is getting me moving this month!

  6. Ash says:

    I am a follower of your blog, which I LOVE!!!

  7. Ash says:

    This month I’ve been doing the Insanity workouts, trying to get my body back in shape after having a baby!

  8. jordan says:

    I’m following you!

  9. Anonymous says:

    The sun is getting me moving! And some new music would be nice


  10. becomingrene says:

    I’m already a follower

  11. becomingrene says:

    I’m recovering from surgery so I’ve had to lay low for the past two weeks. However, I am running a 5k on Memorial Day to celebrate a friend’s 30th birthday. I’ll get back to full on training mid-June and I can’t wait.

  12. Courtney says:

    i love your music giveaways, love all the ideas for new songs!

  13. Lindsay A says:

    What is getting me moving this May? My upcoming wedding in September. Can you say Bridal Bootcamp?!

  14. Joanne says:

    What’s moving me in May? Week 5 of training for a 5 k, a new baby Grandaughter and a Grandson to be born any day. I am a follower, your ideas keep me motivated to make healthy choices everyday. Thanks!

  15. autumn1329 says:

    Sunshine is getting me moving!

  16. Erin Masi says:

    I am a follower!!

  17. Erin Masi says:

    Lately I have been really into Zumba! I can’t get enough!

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