The Power In Positivity

Well my friends today has been a great Monday. I have been thinking this weekend a lot about the power of positivity and optimism. The power of our internal thoughts and beliefs is so fascinating to me. I think there is a lot to be said for a good attitude. Have you ever taken a minute and evaluated your self talk?

Do any of these sound familiar??
“Ugh. My hair looks awful today?”
“I’m a pound up on the scale. I am huge. I am so fat.”
“I missed a workout today. My pants aren’t going to fit tomorrow.”
“I am not nearly as skinny/tall/fast/well endowed/fit/toned as so and so.”
“I didn’t get ANYthing done I needed to today.” 
“I wished I wouldn’t have eaten that. Failure.”
and so on and so on. 

Negativity is a killer. It really is. Unfortunately, I know way too many of us make comments similar to these day in and day out. We see others and compare ourselves to how well we think they are doing. We compare ourselves to how we used to be. We knock ourselves down for a misstep, or a setback. It happens way too often, and it can be so damaging.

Sometimes the negative comments I hear my clients and friends make (or that I find myself making) make me sad. We beat ourselves up. We find SO many reasons why we just aren’t adding up. I can tell you this much: negativity does nothing but bring us down, make us feel sad, and stop our progress. We need to remember that NOBODY is perfect. Nope, not even the 100 lb girl running on the treadmill next to you in her sports bra with her six pack.

Now look at the flip side…
Think of how great you feel after you KILL an awesome workout, spend time with the people you love, make a delicious and healthy meal, see a beautiful sunrise, check off a few things on your “to do” list, and my favorite…when you laugh so hard you cry. (See photo below)

There is power in positivity. That I know to be true. When we think positive thoughts, try to look at the bright side, and surround ourselves with happy people and situations we will thrive. A negative attitude will eat away at you and eventually will leave you feeling hopeless and helpless. A positive attitude can buoy you up and get you through hard things. A positive outlook on a workout will make it manageable. Focusing on the great way you feel and the beneficial aspects of eating healthy and getting a good nights sleep will keep you in the right frame of mind. Change your mindset from “I can’t.” to “I can.” It works wonders.
Yes, there will be slip ups, but guess what? Tomorrow is a new day, and you have the power to make it a great one. 
Yep, you may feel pretty low on the perfection scale some days, but find gratitude in the great things you have to offer. Even if all you can muster is that you are still breathing. 
You know, there may be times when you want to throw in the towel completely…but don’t…because you are amazing, capable, and you just might surprise yourself. 
Take a second and make a list of the things that you like about yourself, about your life, about your family…or whatever positive thoughts you can think of. Put it somewhere where you can find it when you need some reminding about just how great you are. 
Be positive. It’s powerful. 
Oh, and don’t forget to smile. Everybody looks better with a smile on. 😉 
What makes you feel positive? What changes your perspective from negative to positive?
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8 Responses to The Power In Positivity

  1. Nichole says:

    So true! Great post!

  2. Hawt-Momma says:

    Great post!!! Much needed reminder! Thank you!

  3. ZippyZu says:

    Well said! I have worked hard to come from that negative place and it is certainly not easy.. Now anytime I hear something negative or the words, “I can’t” I kind of freak.. AHHH My students are NOT allowed to say “I can’t” during class (I teach yoga and circuit stuff) If they say those words without the “Yet” at the end… they are “punished” haha (by having to do more of what they say they “can’t” do- ie.. pushups) Its all in good fun of course- but I always want them to remember that they are more capable than they believe!

  4. Rebecca says:

    Thank you! I so needed to hear that right now, I was beating myself up for gaining a pound on a new diet, I still don’t understand how it happened, but I was moping around feeling terrible! Thanks, just what I needed to hear to not just throw in the towel!

  5. Anonymous says:

    I’m liking your blog more and more each day. Thanks for the inspiration!

  6. Such a fabulous post Megan. Thank you for sharing this. You are absolutely gorgeous inside and out.

    P.S. I miss your beautiful smile. 🙂 We need to get together soon!

  7. Love this post and love you Megs!

  8. Smith Clan says:

    Thanks Megs, I think we all need that. Very well said! Love you!

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