Quick Paleo Cereal

One of the things I miss most about eating grains is cereal. I am like a cereal monster. I am pretty sure I could eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner if I’d allow it. It never gets old to me. It is quick. It is refreshing. Gosh…it’s just good. I remember coming home from school as a kid and cereal was always my go to snack of choice. Who doesn’t want to celebrate the day of school coming to an end with some Crunchy Corn Bran and Zack Morris?

Side note: My mom didn’t let us have sugar cereal until I was in like 6th grade, and all my other brothers and sisters were grown up and gone. We would get a box of sugar cereal with our stocking or for special occasions, but we mainly stuck to Rice Chex, Corn Flakes, Rice Krispies, Crunchy Corn Bran, and Cream of Wheat. What my mom may not have realized was that I was adding half of the sugar bowl to my cereal. You know your cereal was nice and sweetened when you rinsed out your bowl and a thick sludge of sugar and milk was left at the bottom. I think she finally got sick of me asking for Lucky Charms, (or maybe she caught on to my excessive spoonfuls of sugar) when I got a little bit older and she finally caved. Enter the sugar coated phase of life…Apple Jacks, Oh’s, Lucky Charms, Fruit Loops, Cinnamon Mini Buns, Cocoa Pebbles, Trix, and my favorite…Count Chocula. Ahhh…life was good.

While I am not a sugar cereal buyer these days. I still love it, and I am a big fan of some of the healthier options. Nonetheless, since experimenting with the Paleo eating I have missed the quick and satisfying option of a bowl of cereal. It was because of this that I came up with the next best thing…

Quick Paleo Cereal
 – 1 medium fuji apple chopped
–  2-3 TBS of slivered almonds
– cinnamon to taste
– topped with 1 cup almond milk

So, it’s not exactly cereal, but it’s the next best thing. It really is so tasty too! You could add whatever else you want to it…dried fruit, other nuts, shredded unsweetened coconut etc.

Yesterday was a GREAT workout day. I started the morning with a restorative yoga class at The LAB, and then I completed my ten miler at my scheduled pace with no problem! It made me so happy. I’m hoping that my runs continue to go the way I want them to. I’m trying to build that running confidence back up! 

This weekend my sister ended up coming into town from Austin for a funeral, so I got to see her for a bit which was so fun.  I sure do love her!!

Are you a cereal lover? If so, what is your favorite kind? Do you love the healthy kinds or the sugar coated delights? I love em all. I am not a respecter of cereals. 🙂

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3 Responses to Quick Paleo Cereal

  1. Marissa says:

    I love cereal too! – especially anything by Mom’s Best.
    Or Kashi cinnamon squares loaded with fruit and soymilk 🙂 mmm now I’m hungry.

  2. Nicole says:

    I’ve been loving the Steve’s Original Grainless Granola. I just put in an order for the Paleo People 4 pack of grainless granola flavors. I need to make some almond milk to go with it since I’m not sure about any of the almond milks I’ve found, it’s hard to find plain…

  3. Agghhh yes, I miss cereal!! I’m exactly the same, I could eat cereal all 3 meals of the day! My favorite is Kashi Crunch. I could finish a box in a day or two 🙂 I’m definitely giving your cereal recipe a try today 🙂

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