Go Raw? Don’t mind if I do.

I thoroughly enjoy doing product reviews. Who wouldn’t love trying food that arrives on your doorstep like it’s Christmas? However, I’m gonna be real honest here. This may have been one of the greatest reviews I’ve done yet.

Do you you know what this is?
Lots of empty wrappers. That is what it is. They are empty because I LOVED EVERY BITE!

Kristina from Go Raw sent me a bunch of their organic, whole, totally paleo approved snacks to review. Ohhh man, they were tasty. Now, I know that I have taste buds that like things like vegetables and fruits, but I have to tell you, I shared them with friends and my family and they loved them too! My favorite snack was the Pizza Flax Snax. Look at these ingredients…

These delicious cracker-like snacks are packed with fully organic, healthy ingredients. Some of the  Go Raw Attributes are:

100% ORGANIC Certification
Sugar Free
Gluten Free
Soy Free
Nut Free (Nuts don’t sprout!)

They have delicious snack rounds, cookie rounds, large bars, and snack size bars. I would say my favorites were the spirulina based treats, the pizza flax snax, and the original super cookies. LOVED them.

Go raw also offers some fantastic organic sprouted pumpkin seeds. They have a little bit of flavor to them and make the perfect snack all by their lonesome, or give some added nutrition a top a salad.

 Oh and if you’re wondering why these products are considered, “raw,” this info may clear some things up…Kristina gave me some more info on the product procedure.

We start with the highest quality confectionary grade 100% organic seeds (local/fair trade when available) but even then there is still a chance that impure seeds, rocks, glass and other foreign particles have slipped into the mix.  Our State of the art Sorting machine determines the purity of our seeds with exceptional accuracy within a split second. On the basis of color, shape or other optical properties, defective items and foreign material are identified and separated from the product stream. Leaving only the best seeds to make their way to the next step.

X-Ray Machine:
We have implemented an X-Ray machine to scan for any foreign particles that may have tried to sneak in. We want our final product to be of the upmost highest quality possible and are taking every precaution to achieve this. This X-Ray machine has been approved by our Organic Certifiers and is completely safe.

Washing of the Seeds:
Washing of the seeds is taken very seriously here. Seeds are from the ground thus very dirty. We want to ensure that they are completely clean, so we have a special seed washing machine that thoroughly washes them 3 times in purified water.

Sprouting: While all raw foods contain enzymes, sprouts are the most enzyme dense food on the planet. The most rapid part of growth of a plant
is during its initial stages as a sprout, dehydrating the seeds at this stage of their cycle preserves this precious state and passes along these vital enzymes.

Once our seeds have been sorted, washed, and sprouted, we mix in the other Organic ingredients.

Hand Spread Products:
Products are shown with the utmost respect and carefully spread out onto trays by hand.

Custom Dehydration System:
We were unable to find a dehydration system that lived up to our standards so we custom designed our own. Our Dehydration system is fully regulated and controlled to maintain the proper humidity, temperature and water activity levels to achieve a superior product. Our Dehydration system maintains an average temperature of 97 degrees, ensuring that our sprouted seeds are still alive and well. If you plant them they will grow!”

And of course, I had to save the best for last…The Go Raw Chocolate squares…These chewy delights are super tasty, and they also offer chocolate mint and chocolate orange. Helloooo. Chocolate mint? Yes, please.

Thanks for the awesome opportunity to review some great, healthy products. They were delicious, portable, kid friendly, and I would gladly purchase any of them. I am craving those pizza flax snax, and I’m pretty sure I’m going to have to get me some more ASAP! If you want more info on the awesome Go Raw products, click HERE!

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3 Responses to Go Raw? Don’t mind if I do.

  1. kara t. says:

    Thanks so much for the review on paleo friendly treats! I am always looking for new ones to try!!

  2. This post made me hungry. Yum!!!

  3. If it’s chocolate, it’s mine! Those look yummy!

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