Factually Fit Friday

Here are some random fit-tidbits to fill your Friday…

**Some celebs who have completed a marathon**
Meredith Viera 5 hours 59 minutes
Oprah Winfrey 4 hours 29 minutes
Gordon Ramsey 3 hours 19 minutes
Katie Homes 5 hours 30 minutes
Ryan Reynolds 3 hours 20 minutes
Will Ferrel 3 hours 56 minutes
Mario Lopez 5 hours 52 minutes
Sean “P. Diddy Combs” 4 hours 15 minutes
George W. Bush 3 hours 45 minutes

I pick to run with Ryan Reynolds.

I think I would increase my pace just to keep up with him. Although, Will Ferrel would probably make the run pretty dang fun!

**Best chain restaurant to eat at in America**

**Worst chain restaurant to eat at in America**
The Cheesecake Factory

**The heart pumps 1.3 gallons of blood in a minute. Pretty amazing.**

**141 Million People in America have Chronic Diseases that come from poor diets, lack of exercise and overall sedentary lifestyles**

**Your tongue is the only muscle in your body that is only attached at one end**

**If the force of every single muscle in  your body worked together at one time you would be able to lift about 50,000 lbs**

Which celeb would you want to run with? Do you pick Subway or Cheesecake Factory? 

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5 Responses to Factually Fit Friday

  1. Hawt-Momma says:

    Ooooh, RYAN for SURE!!! the tough choice would be behind him or next to him??

  2. I might get totally distracted if I ran with Ryan…but I would laugh to hard with Will and wear myself out… :-/ and I don’t care what you say I LOVE CHEESECAKE FACTORY!!! ha ha ha.

  3. Amanda says:

    I would totally want to run with Will! I think he’d make the run go by quickly. However, with my speed, Katie Holmes might be more suitable… and that makes me sad. I don’t think she’d be as fun!

    I would totally pick Cheesecake Factory! I mean, after all… we run so we can eat the bad stuff!!!


  4. Emo says:

    Look at me commenting on your blog 🙂 I love reading your blog. I LOVE the factually fit friday please tell me that this is happening every Friday?

  5. Nancy says:

    If I had to choose from that list – Oprah Winfrey, because I’d hope that she would buy me a Garmin afterwards. Or a house. I’d be content either way.

    Another random celeb I’d run with is Sasha Baron Cohen. How much fun would that be??

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