Do What You Love!

Today’s workout for me was twenty minutes of intervals on the elliptical and 60 minutes of lifting. I was LOVING it. Yesterday was a running/core day for me, and my enthusiasm for the two days was pretty different. It felt great to get my run on yesterday, and my core work actually made my abs sore which never usually happens…BUT I loved my lifting workout today. It is crazy how we go through cycles of what we love in our workouts. Sometimes running is all that can quench my exercising appetite, and the thought of lifting a heavy object is revolting. Other days I feel so strong and powerful when I do my resistance training and it’s all I can do to keep myself doing some cardio.

I think that it is always good to mix up your workouts. I say that all the time, but I also think that you do what feels fun and exciting to you. Maybe that means going for a hike, or taking a bike ride? Maybe to you, what sounds fun is a banging Zumba class with a room full of super enthused people that will keep your energy going. Find something that feels fun or good to you and do it! Train for a race, take a dance class, join a yoga studio. Do whatever is going to get you moving that you LOVE, because if you don’t love it…you aren’t going to stick to it!

Resistance workout for today:

**repeated 3 times, alternating exercises**
15 assisted pull ups
24 plyometric lunges

**repeated 3 times, alternating exercises**
12 squat curl press with dumbbells
15 walking push ups (start from standing, bend at the hips and walk your body down to a push up position. Do a push up, walk your hands back, and stand) 

**repeated 3 times, alternating exercises**
15 squat throws with an 18 lb med ball
10 step ups with DB on the right leg
10 step ups with DB on the left leg
12 Med ball squat/plank/throws  (with these I place the med ball down on the ground in front of me, squat down, put my hands on top of it, balancing, and step my feet back into a plank. Step the feet back in to standing, grab the med ball, throw it up and catch it. Set it back down and repeat)

**repeated 3 times, alternating exercises**
15 pushups with the TRX
1 minute plank with feet balancing on the med ball

Done and Done.

What is your favorite kind of exercise these days? Are you loving working the weight room? Running in the spring air? Spinning yourself sweat-less?

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2 Responses to Do What You Love!

  1. Today is my rest day so the thought of working out at all actually sounds revolting 🙂 buuuut I know tomorrow I will feel like I can run forever or lift heavier than I did last week!

    Your workout may just be my form of sweat session tomorrow. It sounds great!

  2. Claire Maria says:

    While you are exercising the upper abdominal muscles, you are resting your lower abdominal muscles. As soon as you complete 15 reps of upper abdominal muscle exercises, then do a lower abdominal exercise set of 15 reps. A combination of cardiovascular exercise and weight training will get you better and faster results. Cardio exercises are the best to burn fat, while weight workouts are designed to build muscle.

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