Monthly Archives: February 2012

My Love List

Happy Valentine’s Day! I always like to make a list of the things that I love as a reminder of just how good I have it! I love…the feeling I get after an awesome workout. Pizza Factory’s Salad Bar. My … Continue reading

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I love Valentine’s Day. I always have. I usually don’t even have an actual Valentine, and I still love it. To me, Valentines Day is a day to show all the people that you love, just how much you love … Continue reading

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See Megan Run – 10 Miler & iMap my run app

So, yesterday was the first time I have ran outside in a LONG time. Like…we are talking over a year. For those of you who haven’t experienced the difference between running on a treadmill and running outside in a while, … Continue reading

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Friday? Yes please.

T.G.I.F. I must say. I’m ready for tomorrow to be Friday. You?

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My two cents for the week

When I have good info I like to share it. These are some tips that I think everyone should know…  1. Orowheat Whole Wheat Bagel Thins are BOMB. They help to lower the carb count in your diet if you … Continue reading

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Exercise of the Week Sliding Plate Lunge

Today’s workout was cross training and strength training. I did a full body strength training workout and I decided to throw one of my new favorite leg exercises into the mix. My workout was as follows… Strength Training: Full body … Continue reading

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I’ll Celebrate That!

Happy National Frozen Yogurt Day! Like I’d leave this day uncelebrated… We attempted to make it to Yogurtland for some free yogurt, but the line was out the door and then some. SO…I settled for 2nd best. When all else … Continue reading

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Healthy Chocolate Banana Puff Pillow Cookies

I am not going to lie, I got bored during the super bowl after half time. I decided to come home and make some cookies. It was one of my darling clients birthday’s today, and so I wanted to make … Continue reading

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Friends are Healthy for the Soul

Yesterday I threw a shower for my best friend Benita.We have been basically inseparable for the past 10 years. My family considers her a part of the Smith clan. We know each other inside and out. She is one of … Continue reading

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January Winner!

Happy Saturday! The winner of the January Jamming mix giveaway is Suz, from Suz and Allan! Email me at megolina21 at and we’ll get you hooked up with some new tunes!Today was my best friend Benita’s Bridal shower…can’t wait … Continue reading

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