Holy Hannah It’s Thursday!

How in the world is it already Thursday…and how is it Feburary 2nd?? Wow. We are quickly approaching the warm summer months my friends, and you know how I feel about that. SO good. First things first, if you haven’t already entered the January Jamming Music Mix Giveaway you should probably do so now. The giveaway ends this Friday night the 3rd at midnight!I am loving hearing how all of you are doing on your goals! Well done!

I officially started marathon training for the Utah Valley Marathon last week, and my workout schedule is looking like this for the next few weeks…

TUESDAY: cross train/strength training
WEDNESDAY: Tempo Run/Speed Work (AKA – kicking my trash!)
THURSDAY: cross train/strength training
FRIDAY: cross train
SATURDAY: long run followed by some core focused strength training
SUNDAY: rest day

Right now my long runs are in the 8-13 mile range. It will be this way for the next few weeks, and because these runs only take 1-2 hours I can handle doing some strength training along with it. I have already been doing 60-80 mins of cross training along with strength training on Saturdays as it is, so it isn’t a huge change. When my runs start to increase I will shift my schedule around a bit, so my long run days are only long run days.

I am working to improve my pace and with that I have been sure to do my normal and long runs on a 1% incline. MAN it is killer. You wouldn’t think that one percent could do much harm…but man, it makes my runs a lot harder. I am such a baby when it comes to running in the cold. I HATE it, so it will be me and the tready for a while here. Adding the incline helps to mimic some of the rougher outdoor terrain that I encounter as I run outside.

Oh, and did I mention that for every 1% increase on the treadmill you burn ten percent more calories? Yes, please.

Moral of the story? Even if you aren’t training for a marathon, or looking to improve any sort of time or pace use the incline! You will burn a TON more calories, and it will mix up your workout.

Do you ever add some incline work to your cardio?

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3 Responses to Holy Hannah It’s Thursday!

  1. Laurie says:

    When I walk I usually work my way up to the 8 to 10 incline…running, which is new to me I was at a 4. I have kind of a weird question… I see a lot of girls walking or running on an incline of 15 but their feet hardly touch the treadmill because they are holding onto the sides or tv for dear life. Or just putting their feet on the sides every so often. Is that even a work out? If it is, it looks like the most miserable way to work out. Ever. They look pretty tired though.

    Really long comment and question…can you tell I’ve been talking to my wee-ones all day? Sheesh!

    Great job on your training!

  2. Love training at an incline. It is harder but feels so much better afterwards and makes your legs incredibly powerful.

    I am running 13 outside tomorrow you should come. It’s not so bad once you get going. 🙂

    YL today at 4!! You better be there.

  3. Courtney says:

    Always! I always run at least with an incline of 1, if not 3 on anything less than 6 miles. Because outside, the winds are always like, 20 mph … gotta replicate that hurricane on the old thrillmill.

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