Exercise of the Week Sliding Plate Lunge

Today’s workout was cross training and strength training. I did a full body strength training workout and I decided to throw one of my new favorite leg exercises into the mix.
My workout was as follows…
Strength Training: Full body 60 Minutes 
3 sets of each/alternating
– 12 rows with the tower cables in a static squat (45 lbs on each side)
– 12 alternating reverse lunges with a bicep curl (20 lb db’s)
– 12 alternating reverse lunges without the curl (20 lb db’s)
– Plank with feet up on a med ball (one minute)
3 sets of each/alternating
– 15 pushups with the TRX
– 12 Tricep pull downs with the bar (40 lbs)
– 12 sliding plate lunges right (25 lb plate)
– 12 sliding plate lunges left (25 lb plate 
Sliding Plate Lunges
Step 1. Start with your right foot on top of a plate
 Step 2: Push the plate out into a lunge as far as you can go. Keep the back leg straight and go deep. Leave the weight on the front right heel and step the back leg to the right leg. Repeat on the same leg.

 Apparently smiling while doing these was too much effort. Actually I just wasn’t thinking about the fact that you’d see my face… 😉 These can also be done on a hard surface with a towel under the weight, or with just a towel. They can be done at home with a paper plate or towel on a slick surface or with furniture movers on carpet. I finished my workout with…

3 sets of each/alternating
– 15 Medicine Ball squat pick up throw downs with this mean guy…It may look harmless but it is dead weight I tell you. Dead weight.

– 12 upright row to a dead lift (15 lb db’s)

60 minutes on the elliptical

I hope your Tuesday is fabulous! What is your workout for the day?? Try out the sliding plate lunge. It’s a good one!

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One Response to Exercise of the Week Sliding Plate Lunge

  1. becomingrene says:

    I love your workouts. I start training for a tough mudder in a few weeks so I will definitely incorporate that into my workout routine. I did a bootcamp class where the instructor had us use paper plates instead of weights. I could feel the burn.

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