Steppin’ Up Saturday

Happy Saturday! I woke up to a winter surprise from my window. It was like almost 60 degrees a couple days this past week, so this was quite unexpected.

It’s weather like this that makes me want to stay inside all day…lucky for me I happen to love my Saturday workouts. Otherwise I might have been tucked away in bed alllll day. The gym was JAM packed. I walked in and EVERY single piece of cardio equipment was taken except for the stairs. I was actually planning on running and doing some weights today, but the exercise gods seemed to want me to step it up a bit. Literally.

My Workout was as follows: 
60 mins of intervals on the elliptical
5 min warm up level 8
4 sets of quick intervals (1 min level 8, 2 min level 12, 2 min level 16)
5 min catch my break level 10
10 min level 12
5 min level 8
5 min level 12
5 min level 8
5 min cool down level 5 
I usually don’t sweat very much when I work out. I don’t know if it is because my body is more used to it or what, but today I was DRIPPING.
Nothing too fancy today. My legs were toast, and I wanted a full body workout so I was more concerned with hitting all the upper body muscle groups. 
3 sets of 15 assisted pull ups
alt with
3 sets of 15 Prisoner Squats
3 sets of 12 triceps pull downs (30 lb)
alt with
3 sets of 15 push ups
3 sets of 15 squats with a single arm upright row on the right (15 lb db)
alt with
3 sets of 15 squats with a single arm upright row on the left (15 lb db)

Post gym, I was itching to climb a few more stairs, so we went down the endless stairs at the Marriott Center to go to the BYU basketball game. 

 It was a fun game. BYU killed them. Towards the end of the game it was announced that Yogurtland would give anyone who had their ticket stub from the game 5 free ounces of Yogurt if the Cougars made it to 80 points. You’d better believe they had my full attention at that point. They made the last shot at the LAST possible second. It was crazy. I will cheer for free frozen yogurt at ANY time. You’d better believe I will be redeeming that this week!

I had a GREAT first week of the new year. I felt like I really stuck to my eating goals, and killed it with my workouts. It is amazing how much better I feel when I am in a good routine. It gives me momentum to keep going.  I’m feeling the motivation! I hope you are sticking with your goals as well!

What was your Saturday workout? If you attend a gym is it JAM PACKED with resolutioners? How was your first week of sticking to your goals? If you feel like your week hasn’t gone so well don’t get discouraged! Restart now, and begin that progress!

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4 Responses to Steppin’ Up Saturday

  1. what a good cardio sweat fest! i love it! we had a race this weekend, so i ran around the trails but i’m for sure saving this one.

  2. christina says:

    I will be back to the gym mid January – when I hit the 6 week post partum and can take her with me – until then Im working out at home and Im the only one there 🙂 I havent been to the gym for a while since the end of the pregnancy wasnt so fun… Im sure people are going to think Im one of those January gym comers…


  3. Korin Lopez says:

    I will definitely be trying out your elliptical workout this week! It looks super intense!

  4. becomingrene says:

    My gym is packed with resoultioners and while I am happy they want to start a healthy lifestyle, in 6 weeks it will be back to normal. I do get a little bitter that I have to wait for a free treadmill and my favorite spot for my bench in class is always taken.

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