Oh Hello 2012…

Happy New Year! We did it. We made it to 2012. I must say I’m excited to have a fresh start at my goals, but I’m a little bit sad to see the holidays over so quickly. I’m mostly sad to go home tomorrow, but we won’t even get into that just yet. I’m going to live up my last day here in sunny, beautiful, Arizona.

Last night we partied hard.

 Hot chocolate. Fireworks. Hot air balloons. Card Games…and lots of family, friends, and neighbors to enjoy the hooplah
 My sister and her hubby throw a mean New Years Eve party.

I am definitely a goal setter. I always have been. I like to have something to measure myself against, and improve on. The New Year is definitely a time for goal setting, and I always like to use this time to make some resolutions as to how I am going to improve in the upcoming year. 

I was looking back at my goals from last year, and they were as follows.

1. Run a half marathon in under 1:45
2. Run another marathon 
3. Add another Sugar Free Year
4. Record Food
5. Add yoga to my fitness routine
Sadly…because of injuries 1&2 weren’t possible. I did great with 3, decent with 4, and unfortunately yoga made an appearance until like March. I could definitely keep working on that. 

I am excited about my health and fitness goals for 2012

1. Run a full Marathon (Being has how I’ve already signed up I feel great about this one!)
2. No Candy/Treats/Sugar (I did great with this one, but I let myself have some free days over the holidays and it made me feel disgusting. I really am better with just cutting it out completely) My exceptions are frozen yogurt and mentos. 🙂 
3. Record my food. 
4. Improve my photography skills..this translates over into improving my lil’ bliggity blog so it counts as health and fitness. 

Let’s do this 2012!! What are your goals for the new year? Do you have plans as to how you’re going to accomplish them? 
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3 Responses to Oh Hello 2012…

  1. I am definitely a goal setter too. My goals for this year:
    1. More whole foods (goodbye, processed crap)
    2. More time with the people I love (mental fitness)
    3. Make every workout count, and try to add in new/different workouts (yoga, hot yoga, pilates, piloxing, kickboxing, etc)
    4. Blog regularly and work on learning how to use my awesome camera
    Happy New Year!

  2. heather says:

    I set my goal of no more sugar last Sunday night after totally overdoing it over the holidays! I am much better off not eating any sweets because that moderation thing is so hard! I feel so much better after just a week without sweets. I have 15 pounds of pregnancy weight to lose so I know I have to record my food too if I am going to see changes. I am going to make an effort to drink more water and to work out at least 5 days a week. Thanks for your motivating posts! Keep up the great work!

  3. Unknown says:

    I love your blog! I’ve been following it for several months now and love it when you post your circuits! I’ve started a new workout blog…check it out if your interested fitsgreaterthanskinny.com

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