Monthly Archives: December 2011

12 Days of Holiday Health Tips – Day 5

I have learned over the years that I have so much more fun working out when I have a workout partner. I loved being at home these past couple weeks in Arizona where I was able to go running with … Continue reading

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12 Days of Holiday Health Tips – Day 4

After getting up in the “4’s” to catch my flight back to UT this morning I’m feeling a bit sleepy. This leads me right into tip number 4 for a healthy holiday season. I see people who run themselves ragged … Continue reading

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The 12 Days of Holiday Health Tips – Day 3

If there is ONE thing I am extremely faithful on, no questions asked, it is breakfast. I absolutely LOVE breakfast. I seem to wake up every morning hungry and excited to get my breakfast in. It has been proven that … Continue reading

Posted in Recipes | 6 Comments

The 12 Days of Holiday Health Tips – Day 2

One of the first things that usually goes out the window when the holidays come (and when times get crazy in general) is exercise. It is far to easy to find time to do everything else that we need to … Continue reading

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The 12 Days of Holiday Health Tips – Day 1

I love holiday preparations as much as the next person…maybe even more. I get so excited for all of the decorations, traditions, family festivities, parties, and yes…of course…the food. Oh, the holiday goodies…and the amazing magical ability they have to … Continue reading

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You Ought to Know…Rock My Run

I love my workout music. Y’all know this by now. I thought I’d start December off with sharing one of my new favorite things. If you haven’t visited you need to get there. Now. It is pure awesome. It … Continue reading

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