Monthly Archives: November 2011

November Hits for Healthy Holidays Mix Giveaway

Every now and again some songs come along that I just LOVE. This months mix has a couple of those. They came just in time too. November marks the month of holiday treats and food festivities, so we’re gonna need … Continue reading

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Saturday Tid Bits

Just a few things. – I hate when all the people around me start to get sick. I feel like it only means sickness is looming around me. Yesterday at the gym a man had his gym shorts stuffed with kleenex. … Continue reading

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Fat Burning Circuit Workout

I haven’t posted a new circuit workout in a while, so I figured it was about that time. This is a workout I’ve had a few of my clients do in the past few days and it has been a … Continue reading

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Easy Cheesy Chili

You know my thoughts on high protein meals that are easy. I LOVE THEM. I think most people that know me know this about me. My sister suggested that I try her latest high protein creation, and as skeptical as … Continue reading

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Hip Hip Hurray for Waranty’s

Today’s post is short.Like real short.My computer is at the doctor because the bottom casing started to peel itself away. WTF?The good news. It’s covered by the warranty. November 2nd: Today I am grateful for warranty’s. Too bad my Ipod … Continue reading

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Grateful November Has Arrived

I am a firm believer that attitude is everything. I think that a large part of our health is reflection of our attitudes and levels of optimism. If you have an optimistic attitude about what you want to accomplish as … Continue reading

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Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!! I hope your day has been full of good scary times!  Today on fitsugar I saw this article on what happens in your body after you eat sugar. Very interesting…take a look at it. Have a great night … Continue reading

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