Greek Yogurt Protein Shake

My routine has gone a lot like this in the past few days. Train my morning clients. Go to the gym and get my workout on. Come home to a protein shake made with greek yogurt. It is quick. It fills me up, has a ton of protein without a ton of calories, and is a great post workout recovery meal option.

Cinnamon Strawberry Banana Protein Shake
– 1 tray of ice cubes
– 1 cup of Fage Greek non-fat yogurt
– 5 strawberries
– 1/2 small banana
– 1 serving of Biochem Vanilla protein powder
– 1-2 tsp of cinnamon
– 1 cup of water
– a few dashes of Splenda (optional)

Blend this all up in the blender and there you have it.
285 Calories. 41 grams of protein. Awesome.

I use a lot of ice and water because it brings it to the consistency that I like. It makes about two of these glasses full, and I drink them both.

I usually drink it down while I look at Pinterest. I let my lunch time be my waste-time-surfing-the-internet time. That way I can get it out of my system, and get to work after I’m done eating. Go ahead. Make fun of my re-usable straw. Everyone does. It happens to be from an awesome pack of re-usable straws my mom got me from Crate & Barrel. I LOVE them.

I always clean my blender with my quick and easy blender cleaning trick. It makes life a LOT easier.

Today’s Workout: 

Quick Chest and Tricep Workout:
3 sets of each alternating between exercises

Set #1
15 TRX push ups
alt with
15 TRX tricep presses

Set #2
12 chest presses with the cables w/alternating lunges (40 lbs)
 alt with
12 alternating lunges
alt with
12 tricep kickbacks w/10 lb db’s

Set #3
Chest flies with 20 lb dumbbells 
alt with
tricep pull downs with cables (30 lbs)

Set #4
Push ups with the 12 lb med ball to burnout 

60 minutes of intervals on the stairs  it was somewhat killer on me today! I think it was because last night at like 10:00 two of my friends talked me into a quick jaunt to the gym for a run. I had already done 70 mins or cardio yesterday, but I didn’t want to miss out on the party. I am really glad I didn’t. It was one of the funnest runs I’ve had in a while. 3.5 miles at around a 8:15 pace. I wasn’t mad.

November 10th: Today I am thankful for modern day appliances. What would I do without things like a blender, or my mini food processor? Who knows…

Do you allot yourself time to waste on the internet? I have to keep it scheduled or I could be unproductive online all day long! When was the last time you had fun working out? Were you with friends?

Also…Don’t forget to enter the Hits for Healthy Holiday’s Mix Giveaway

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2 Responses to Greek Yogurt Protein Shake

  1. I do the same thing with my protein smoothies…lots of ice! When i’m post work out and thirsty its all about thinner consistancy and i’ll use less ice for a more ice cream consistancy if I want to enjoy a smoothie as a desert!

  2. Nichole says:

    We LOVE our straws! I can’t wait to get you here!!!

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