Friday Favorites…

I think I say it every week. I. LOVE. FRIDAYS.

Friday = Favorite…because of course it leads to Saturday (sleeping in, long workouts, relaxation)

Snow on the weekend = Favorite. Don’t be deceived. I detest snow. However, I like when it snows on the weekend because It means I don’t have to attempt to drive to work in it.

Next Week is Thanksgiving = Favorite. Rumor has it the temp is 70 degrees there. I love that rumor. LOVE.

Tried a new Whole Wheat Bread Recipe tonight. Fresh bread = Favorite. I’ll be posting that recipe tomorrow.

Tomorrow the Christmas Decor goes up. Decorating for Christmas = Favorite. Call me premature with my Christmas excitement…I don’t care. 

All good things.

November 18th: Today I am thankful for a warm house to come home to. Have you guessed that the cold is clearly not my favorite? I’m so grateful for a warm home, a comfortable bed, and layers upon layers of clothes that keep me warm. Blessed indeed.

A year ago today…Healthy Cinnamon Sweet Potato Muffins. These are MONEY. So tasty. You need to try them.

What is your Friday favorite? Have you decorated for Christmas yet?

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One Response to Friday Favorites…

  1. I will be decorating for Christmas on Sunday or Monday so your not really early! I decorate early so I can feel like it’s’s hard to feel that here in San Diego, ….Anyways I can’t wait for that wheat bread recipe..sound so good!

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