Filthy Fifty

When I am home my family members like to put themselves at the mercy of my workouts. Although I definitely enjoy the alone time a good cardio session can bring, when it comes to weight training I think it is so much more fun to workout with other people. Maybe it is because I enjoy being able to complain about how hard things can be with others who are feeling the same. Who knows? I think it just makes time go by so much faster. 

I have a lot of friends who are doing Crossfit right now. A lot of my circuits follow the same high intensity interval training that is the basis behind Crossfit. It is basically a quick, intense, all out way of working out. I am always reading up on different methods of exercise, and trying out new workouts, and I like a lot of the things incorporated in Crossfit type workouts. In my reading this past week I came across a Crossfit workout called the “Filthy Fifty.” I have had a couple friends tell me it’s a killer, so I wanted to give it a try. Yesterday morning my mom and sister were on board to try it out.

So, while watching The Biggest Loser, we got our sweat on.

We had to make a few modifications from the original Filthy Fifty, but our workout went like this…

50 Box jumps on a 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups (assisted)
50 Kettlebell swings (done with 20 lb DB)
50 Walking Lunges alternating legs 
50 Hanging Knees to elbows
50 Push press

50 Back extensions on physio ball with DB rear fly added in
50 Wall ball shots with a medicine ball

50 Burpees

Let me tell you…those 50 burpees are the cherry on top. If a cherry is comparable big spikey thorn poking you in the eye…painful, but oh so good. Oh, and yes…my mom did all 50 burpees. She is a maniac…in such a good way.

Sweaty. Make up-less. Done. 
I love family workouts.
Do you like working out with other people? Do you ever do high intensity interval training? Do you have a love/hate relationship with burpees like i do?
The rest of the day was spent helping my mom decorate the house for Christmas. Decorating FIVE trees with extremely tired shoulders is not for the weak my friends. Today will be spent driving from Arizona back to Utah…goooo…Maybe it secretly got warm while I was gone. Here’s to wishing huh?

November 28th: Today I am grateful for the opportunity to get to hang out with my family all weekend. They are the best.

One year ago today…Post Thanksgiving Survival Tips

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5 Responses to Filthy Fifty

  1. Ashley says:

    I’ve done the filthy fifty before. I seriously wanted to cry near the end. But I survived it in just under 35 minutes! I deemed it a success. I definitely love a good crossfit workout, I’m just too chicken to do it by myself a lot of times. The harder lifts scare me a bit.

  2. the family workouts together ….

    i am curious about your brother in law doing the turkey trot. doing you know all the logitics of pulling this off through him?

    safe trip home!

  3. That looks tough! Way to go mom!!

  4. kara t. says:

    I freakin hate that stupid filthy 50! At our box all burpees are done as burpee pull ups. Pushup, hop into a ball, and then into a pull up. HATE!

  5. Suzie Thomas says:

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