Happy Birthday Hurricane Elaine!!! (& a bit of a brain dump)

Today is Wednesday which happens to be my super long day of training. It is ALSO my fabulous mother’s birthday.

She’s so adorable I can hardly stand it! 

We call my mom, “Hurricane Elaine,” because she is always going 90 million miles an hour doing amazing things. She is a health nut, a fabulous quilter, a great cook/chef/baker, she entertains like nobody’s business, she’s crafty, she has a heart of gold, she is a spiritual giant, she is always smiling, and she makes me want to be a better person. She is just amazing. I wish I could hang out with her all the time!!

Mom – I hope you have an INCREDIBLE birthday! You deserve it. Thanks for being such an amazing role model in my life. When I grow up I want to be just like you!! xoxoxo

On other notes:
– My Ipod still isn’t working. I ran yesterday listening to Pandora on my phone and tried to not be sad about it. I’m pretending like it’s not true 🙁

– Speaking of running…I ran 5 miles yesterday with no foot pain. HALLELUJAH! I haven’t ran in what seems like forever because I’ve been trying to let my ankle/foot get all back to normal. I’m still going to keep it low key, but I was itching for some running yesterday. I won’t be running a ton for not because I am still focusing on lifting weights more.

– My darling and sweetest neigbor brought me over a $20 gift card to The Pizza Factory to say thanks for everything in Powell. Best surprise ever? Yes.

– There is approximately 9 days until my birthday. I will be 27 on the 21st…I hate the thought of turning 27 is that weird? Probably.

– I have been shopping for my Halloween costume. I LOVE Halloween, and dressing up. It is just so dang fun. I think I have my outfit secured. Can’t wait to show y’all.

– I have made a MAJOR correlation between my eating and my desire to workout. I have had such a crazy past couple days that I haven’t felt like my eating has been as good as it could been, and I’ve noticed my workouts have been mentally harder for me. For some reason I feel like if I am not on top of my game eating-wise my workouts won’t be as beneficial. Weird and untrue thought process, BUT I’m glad I’ve figured this out about myself. Even more motivation to eat better.

– In regards to yesterday’s post about how to lose weight and achieve your goal weight once and for all,  a few of you wondered if I cut sugar out completely. When I cut out sugar I cut out as much as possible. We’re not just talking about candy and treats, but also about processed foods that contain sugar too. I also find that it helps me to lower my fruit intake a bit. I know that is natural sugar, but it is still sugar nonetheless. I do, however, make one exception for myself and that is fat free frozen yogurt. Yes, it still contains sugar, but if I can have it once and a while I curb my sweet tooth and it makes not eating other sugar more manageable.

Do you ever see a correlation between your eating patterns and your exercise habits? Or am I the only crazy one? I hope you have successfully made it to Wednesday and that the rest of your week is looking fabulous! Have a great day 🙂 xoxoxo Megs

p.s. Don’t forget to enter October’s Sickeningly Sweet Music Mix Giveaway if you already haven’t! 🙂

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6 Responses to Happy Birthday Hurricane Elaine!!! (& a bit of a brain dump)

  1. yay, birthday girl is gonna celebrate! wish I could be there too. Happy birthday to your sweet momma too!

  2. I love that you mentioned the correlation between eating and exercise. A while back I saw the quote “Without proper nutrition, exercise is futile” – I think it was either Tosca Reno or fitness model Jamie Eason that said it and it’s SO TRUE. When I eat garbage, I don’t even want to work out. I feel like I had a “bad” day anyway and a workout wouldn’t really change anything. When I eat well, I am 100% into my workouts and feel amazing afterwords. I think I might do a post on this! I’m curious to know what other people do. I know a lot of people who eat gross food and use exercise as an excuse to do so. Interesting how different people interpret the relationship between exercise and eating.

  3. becomingrene says:

    Happy Birthday to your mom. I want to be like her too!
    For me crappy eating usually equates to lack of workout motivation. I love what Christina says. My nutrition is better this week (along with hydration) and my workouts have been great.

  4. kara t. says:

    Happy birthday to your momma!

    I find that I need to have a good balance between working out and eating. If I work out too hard, I eat too much and negate what I did. But if I pack in a good efficient workout, I make better food choices for the day. If I have a crappy workout I’m almost scared to eat. Pretty sure I’m crazy.

  5. Definitely see a correlation between my workouts and eating pattern. I love all your random thoughts and Happy Birthday to your Momma! She seriously is so so gorgeous, just like you. 🙂

    I completely understand what you mean about getting older here in the wonderful state of Ut. It sucks! We need to start hanging out more since we’re the only two single 20 something girls in all of Utah county.

  6. Courtney says:

    Is it Weird that I love Pandora over both my iPods? It’s such a pain in the ass getting new music onto them! With Pandora, different stations play different stuff! I love my Tron station, my Ke$ha station and my Mr. Saxobeat station. It’s hard at first narrowing the station down to the style of music I want, but after my first few likes and dislikes, I love the music that plays, and it’s always something new to my ears!

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