Beautiful Saturday’s and Delicious Sundays

Yesterday was an absolutely beautiful day. Having the sun out gave me some energy to get a good workout in. 
I started out with sprint intervals on the treadmill. Try this…it’s killer. You can up the speed if you need to.
5 min warm up jog
Interval Set #1
minute 1 – walk on 4 mph
minute 2 – run on 6.7 mph
minute 3 – run on 6.7 mph
minute 4 – run on 8.7 mph
minute 5 – run on 8.7 mph
Interval Set #2
minute 1 – walk on 4 mph
minute 2 – run on 6.7 mph
minute 3 – run on 6.7 mph
minute 4 – run on 5.7 mph @ 8.0 incline
minute 5 – run on 5.7 mph @ 8.0 incline
alternate between both interval sets 3 (or more times)
cool down jog 5 minutes
Chest & Triceps
3 sets of each/alternating between exercises
Set #1
12 Chest flies w/20 lb DBs
12 Triceps Skull Crushers w/30 lb bar
15 Ab Roll Outs on physioball
Set #2
12 Single Arm Chest Press R&L w/20 lb DB
15 triceps dips on bench w/feel on ball
Set #3
15 Triceps pull downs w/cables 30 lbs
15 Push ups
20 mins of intervals on the ellipticals
Later that afternoon I was determined to go up and look at the fall leaves, and so of course I drug some friends up to Sundance with me. 
Isn’t that so pretty?? I have some willing subjects too…

 Aren’t they just darling? Unfortunately it started to get too dark…

 We then headed up to Park City to meet up with some friends.
 Followed by a viewing of the new Footloose…awesome.

Definitely a fun Saturday! I just love fall activities. I KNOW there is a lot more where that came from.

Speaking of fall…today I made some healthy Potato Corn Chowder and some Homemade Wheat Bread for my friends for dinner, and I forgot to take pics…dang it. I was really in the mood for something fall-ish, and it hit the spot. Try it if you need a dinner idea for this week!

Are you seeing seasonal changes and loving it? I hope so! So pretty!

Don’t forget…tonight is your last chance to enter the October Sickeningly Sick Music Mix Giveaway!

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2 Responses to Beautiful Saturday’s and Delicious Sundays

  1. Meg says:

    Ah yes, fall is a sigh of relief but in the back of my mind I’m dreading the winter to come. At least it means apple cider and hot chocolate and cozy sweaters and boots.

    … and snow tires (!)

  2. Hi
    I have been following your blog for about 5 months now and it has been just what I needed. I have already lost close to 20 LBS and plan to keep going. There are some days when I just can’t go for a run outside or to the gym, so what would a you recommend for a good treadmill under $1000?

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