Monthly Archives: August 2011

August Album Giveaway

Is it August already? Seriously? Please make the summer slow down. Pretty pretty please. You know how I feel about winter. I’m not ready for it!!! I guess one good thing about it being August means that it’s a new … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 29 Comments

Holy Guacamole!

I am a total sucker for some good guacamole. In my striving to add in some healthy fats into my diet I have been eating a lot of avocados. Man, they are delicious, aren’t they? I have been eating them … Continue reading

Posted in Recipes | 8 Comments

Taking Applications, Sunday Chicken Scampi, and My Why’s

Happy Sunday Y’all. I am officially taking applications for Utahn’s looking to fill the positions of my sisters who have now both left me. Yesterday, my sister Linds and her family left Utah for their big move to Texas. So … Continue reading

Posted in Lifestyle, Recipes | 3 Comments