Monthly Archives: August 2011

Chicken Bruschetta Panini

I get stuck in a rut with my food sometimes. When that happens I try to get creative and mix things up a little bit. Today was one of those days. I came home from a great work out, and … Continue reading

Posted in Recipes | 8 Comments

An At-Home Cardio Circuit Workout

As much as we love our machines, our running trails, and our cardio classes; sometimes getting out of the house for a workout is impossible for some reason. Other days…like maybe when you get snowed in for example…working out at … Continue reading

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A History Lesson: And The Truth About Sodium

“You’re the salt of the earth…” People use that phrase all the time and I’m quite certain a lot of them don’t even know what it means.  It basically means that someone is a genuinely good and useful, hardworking, individuals … Continue reading

Posted in Lifestyle | 4 Comments

Sunday Strolling; Burn Some Leisure Calories

Some Days in Utah are just unbelievably beautiful. I hope everyone gets a chance to see how pretty the expansive mountains are when they are so green. I wish I took more time to go and enjoy being in the … Continue reading

Posted in Lifestyle | 6 Comments

Sweaty-ness – How do you beat the heat?

If you are sweating non-stop for four days it’s almost like you’re constantly exercising, right? Since I’ve come back from AZ, our AC has been broken in our house. Let me just tell you… IT’S. SO. HOT. Oh blessed air … Continue reading

Posted in Lifestyle, Recipes | 2 Comments

The Pressures of Social Eating and How to Overcome Them

I like to eat. I just do. I’m guessing you do too, and if you don’t…well…you crazy. Have you ever stopped to realize that SO MUCH of what we do revolves around food. I can honestly say I don’t remember … Continue reading

Posted in Lifestyle | 7 Comments

Back To School Lunch Ideas

I can’t believe I am even saying that. It can’t be time for people to go back to school yet can it? I hate even the thought of it. I really do. The funny thing? My schedule doesn’t even change, … Continue reading

Posted in Recipes | 6 Comments

August Album Giveaway Winner!

Today is the day.The winner of the August Album Giveaway (chosen by is  #18 ROXY!!Roxy said… Roxy and I used to be roomies, once upon a time. We actually trained for the SLC marathon together, until a stress fracture … Continue reading

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Mama Cita Gets an A+ For Road Trip Prepraredness

I decided last minute to make the weekend drive to Arizona with my mom and dad yesterday. I have talked before about some tips to keep yourself healthy on road trips. My mom definitely gets a gold star for her … Continue reading

Posted in Lifestyle | 4 Comments

No salad bar is safe. I will hunt you down, and I will find you.

I’m going to make this short. 1. Last night I stayed up WAY to late because we went and saw Crazy Stupid Love.  It was amazing. So funny. A few things I could have done with out, but Ryan Gosling … Continue reading

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