Your Core and Mine

Life has been so busy lately…as you can probably tell from my lack of frequent posting. My mom has been in town, which I LOVE.

ย She is the most amazing woman on the planet, and she asked me to help her while she was here to get back into her workout groove. She’s been coming in to train with me three times a week, and it has been so much fun. She is one tough cookie. I will tell you that. She works her tail off and she is determined. We have been working a lot on core strength and balance because I think having strength in these areas is SO SO SO important, especially as people age.

I have noticed with all of my older clients that the more core strength and balance they have the more capable they are in general with all the exercises we do. Having a strong core makes a world of difference. If you aren’t doing core work, start now. It will benefit you so much. I promise!

I have also wanted to spend as much time as possible with my sweet sis and her little kiddies before they leave for Austin in a couple weeks.

ย I don’t know why she thinks moving away from me again is a good idea…I am so much fun…sheeeesh. ๐Ÿ˜‰ She’ll learn one day.

I can’t wait for my older sister to come in a week with her fam, as well as my brothers joining us from SLC. The happiest times in my life is when my family is all together.ย 

Speaking of core…If there is one thing that is essential to MY core health it is my family. I don’t know what I would do without them.

They inspire me.
They love me no matter what.
They are always willing to help me out in any situation.
They encourage me to do better and remind me that striving to be better in all that we do is what life is all about.
They forgive me for being me sometimes…when that version of me isn’t the greatest.
They let me dress like a scrounge 98 percent of the time.
They are always willing to make a frozen yogurt run or go get a DDP when necessary.
They make me laugh.
They know how to help me feel like everything will turn out ok.
They think I’m funny…or at least they are really good at faking it.
They believe in me.
They make me feel safe.
They give me examples of love, charity, health, selflessness, integrity, and ambition.
They may be crazy, but they are the most amazing people I know.

If being with my fam means a little less time blogging I think it’s a pretty good trade…

Do you do core work? If you don’t you really should…Click HERE for some good core training tips. Is your family essential to your core health?
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6 Responses to Your Core and Mine

  1. Nichole says:

    I was just talking to mom and I have work out envy! I can’t wait to get up there with you guys and work out with you! We are so excited to see you! The kids can’t wait! Thanks for you constant inspiration and example! You are the best!

  2. she’s moving to austin?!?!? Please,come visit!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. How awesome is it working out with your mom? My mom comes to workout with me sometimes, and she takes ALL my Zumba classes. She’s my groupie. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I am completely obsessed with core work. One of my clients is in her mid fifties, and over the past year I have seen her improve in all areas due to her increase in core strength. She always says how much better she feels and that she is so thankful her neck and back do not hurt anymore. It’s awesome.

    YES to family!!!!! I usually have to remind myself to slow down and get away from my “distractions” and spend more time with family because it makes me so happy AND after all, what is life without close relationships??? Family is awesome.

  5. My sister Carli has started working out with me. She has little core strength and I find it keeps her from doing a lot of the exercises. I have used a lot of your core ideas to help strengthen her.

    My family is most definitely my core. I am a much better and happier person when I’m with my family. As a matter of fact, I miss my mom so much right now ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Rene says:

    I love working my core. I take a killer extreme pilates class 1-2 times a week and all of my group classes include some core work.
    You have a beautiful family – I love spending time with my hubby and kids.

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