Sugar Addicts

You know I talk about sugar all the time. I think that eliminating sugar from your diet is a huge part of weight loss, toning, and improving athletic performance.

Today while I was working out I was watching Rachael Ray and there was a super interesting segment on being addicted to sugar. I don’t know much about the doctor that was on the show or, The Hamptons Diet, which is what he promotes, but it was super interesting.
Definitely worth checking out if you have a sweet tooth.
Click HERE if you are interested.

In the show he challenged people to go on a three day sugar detox.

My challenge to you?
Try going a week sugarless. 
I dare you. 
See how you do. Read HERE to see why it makes such a big difference to eliminate sugar from your diet.

Cutting sugar out of my diet is one thing that has helped me more than anything else to reach my goals. Most people eat it in addition to whatever else they would normally eat. Think about it…when you consume sugary foods it’s usually something “extra.” Think of the amount of calories you could be  cutting out by getting rid of it? So, take the challenge. Try it!

Have you ever eliminated sugar out of your diet? If so, how long did you go for and did you notice any difference? Are you going to take the challenge?

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12 Responses to Sugar Addicts

  1. Rene says:

    About 2 years ago I went on a eating plan that promoted clean eating and very little sugar. I went from 141 to 124 lbs. I was pretty hard core for 6 months, then maintained for another 12 months. In the past 6 months my eating has been terrible. I am back on the sugar and am back up in weight too. It makes a huge difference to give up sugar. Now to get back on the wagon…..

  2. Elle says:

    I feel better and have an easier time controlling my weight and my moods, too, when I eat clean.

    I did look at the RR link, but I know I will never eliminate fruit.

  3. I heard that sugar cravings are caused by nutrient deficiences. I totally agree with this too! I think it best to examine your diet to see where it might be lacking, ya know? I tell my clients that, hope it works. haha.

  4. Julie Pia says:

    You are so cute and motivating. I LOVE reading your blog. Thanks for the great tips. It’s just what I need in my life.

    Thanks girl!


  5. Mrs. JM says:

    question: how far should one go with this challenge? the obvious elimination would be anything with added sugar and processed foods but what about fruit? do you still eat fruit? and what about more natural/pure forms of sugar like raw honey or agave? i notice a HUGE difference in the way my gut feels when i reduce the sugar i consume. especially when i remove those foods with added sugar. i’ve been so “good” the last couple of weeks and then i took my kids for a shaved ice the other day. i had one too, with cream on top and it KILLED my stomach. lesson learned (again and again! ha).

  6. Mars says:

    I started that this week! It’s usually not that hard for me. I’m not a huge sweets person. The only real sugary stuff I crave is candy-which I think is easier to eliminate than cookies, brownies, chocolate etc. So far so good until last night but you gotta start somewhere right?

  7. I don’t eat much sugar and have eliminated it completely at times. I really enjoy being “off” of it and feel healthier and think it might help my running.

    Thanks for sharing this information Megan!

  8. kara t. says:

    Thank you Megan, this is exactly what I needed right now. You inspire me 🙂

  9. Sara says:

    Thank you for this post! I eliminated sugar (or at least significantly reduced it) about a year ago and lost about 50 lbs, which was awesome. Since then, I have had a lot of things happen and started gaining a little more weight back then I would have liked. I need to take the sugar challenge again! I am going to read this articles and prepare to take the plunge again and reduce my sugar intake. It really does make me feel like crap. Thanks!

  10. ugh…. a whole week??? MEGAN!

    what constitutes sugar? just candy and sweets (like cookies/cakes)? I try to stay away from that stuff normally anyways. But every once and awhile I’ll splurge. (ps: fro yo doesn’t count as sugar, RIGHT?)

  11. I want to do this so badly! I am a sugar addict..ugh. (Well not a real one, probably nowhere near as bad as they mentioned in the show!) I really would like to cut back.. I also take in sugar in the form of alcohol all too often. Not good! I eat well all day but live in a fun beach town where everyone goes out all the time, it’s been rough on my diet.

  12. Allie says:

    You know what, I had some jelly beans today and my frickin crown fell off. Maybe I will take you up on your challenge lol !

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