I Could Get Used to This

My whole fam is in town still. I love it SO much. Today my mom informed me they were making dinner tonight. When I heard what was for dinner I was even more excited. On the menu…a salad bar. Yep. You know how much I like my salad. I was in heaven.

My dad grilled up some amazing chicken, hard boiled eggs, kidney beans, and sunflower seeds.

Romaine lettuce, carrots, cucumbers, red peppers, green peppers, broccoli, grape tomatoes, avocados, diced pineapple, beets (yep we all love them…we’re weird like that.)
 So fresh and so delicious.
 An easy dinner idea that feeds a lot of people, can be individualized for whomever is eating it and makes GREAT leftovers.
I ate mine with a side of fat free ranch and a slice of chibatta bread.
Thanks Mama Cita. Please don’t go home and keep feeding me, k? Thanks.
A delicious meal indeed.  
I am so appreciative of my families love of healthy good food. I know a lot of it comes from the way we were raised, and my mom is the one to thank for that. Do you have an easy go to meal that is fresh and delicious? Is your family healthy or not? If they aren’t have you tried to influence them in any way?
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7 Responses to I Could Get Used to This

  1. We are pretty healthy eaters around here. My go to is usually Chicken, veggies and brown rice. Oh wait, that is what I make all the flippin’ time!!!

  2. Ashley says:

    I’m pretty much alone in the healthy eating department. My husband will have some of the meals I want, but he still eats out a lot. My parents will also try some of the ‘light’ recipes I find, but won’t really go full out eating healthy stuff. And my sister? If she finds out it is healthy she isn’t going near it.

    To tell you the truth it really bites. I so want to keep moving forward with healthy changes and healthy eating, but everyone around me always has the stuff that I crave.

  3. I love this!!!! And I call my mizzle mamacita sometimes too! 🙂

    I do a lot of force-feeding when it comes to my family and healthy eating, especially my parents. My husband stopped resisting years ago. 🙂

  4. Suzanne says:

    I love having “bars” or supper! We have chili bars, potato bars, and taco bars. I NEVER thought about doing a salad bar….lol! Goofy me. Thank you!

  5. I love the salad bar idea for dinner! I love to do chicken or fish, steamed broccoli, and sweet potato fries for dinner. We eat it a lot (changing up seasonings and veggies as we go).

    My family is getting healthier. My husband loves healthy foods, so he’s no problem. My parents and brother…they used to eat TERRIBLY. I’ve tried encouraging/recommending/bribing/etc to get them to eat healthier for the last five years. Last October my dad got diagnosed with diabetes, and they all three changed their eating styles. Now they are big on calories (not necessarily healthy foods though), but I am so proud of them. My dad has lost about 75 lbs and my brother has lost almost 90! They look and feel amazing!

  6. Rene says:

    The hubs and I are hit and miss as far as healthy eating goes. Inspired by your last post, I’m working on the sugar thing this week. Today, no obvious sweets.
    As for my kids, my son is barely on the charts as far as his weight goes so we encourage him to eat as much as he possibly can. ANy suggestions on foods that pack on pounds?
    My 16 year old is the pickiest eater I know and we’ve given up on forcing her to eat what we make. If it’s not in nugget form, she’s usually not interested. Ugghhhh!

  7. This is awesome! My Dad would literally poop his pants if he was told a salad bar was being served for dinner. ha ha my family is definitely not way healthy when it comes to meals but I am trying to influence them. One step at a time right?

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