10 Ways to Show You Really are a Nerd

 You should probably know that deep down I am actually a total nerd. I have already told you that I love to read. Well…I just so happen to love to read Harry Potter.

Was I excited for the last movie to come out…you could say so. If you were wondering how I manifested that excitement, I’ll go ahead and show you in my ten quick ways that are sure to prove your nerdiness.

1. Re-watch the Harry Potter Movies 1-7.1. Check. 
2. Reserve tickets to the closest theater with reserved seating for you and 17 of your closest friends. Check.
Pretty sure we were the most action the Spanish 8 had seen in a long time. 
3. Make some sweet shirts to wear to view the film. Check.
4. Make treat bags with themed treats for each and every one of your friends.
Our Harry Potter treat bags were complete with…
Droobles Gum
 Pheonix Feather Wands
 Jelly Slugs
 Acid Pops
(blow pops rolled in honey and then pop rocks)
and of course…Pottercorn
(Cinnamon Caramel Corn)
 I know, I should be ashamed. Not an ounce of healthiness to be found.  However, SO MUCH FUN. 
I seriously LOVED putting these together with my bff Sara Beth. Don’t worry… I didn’t eat any of it, but I loved putting it together.

 5. Get more excited over planning out treats/plans to sneak our treats into the theater/surprising our friends with their goody bags than the actual movie. (That is almost true. I was pretttty excited about the movie too!)

 6. Meet up with the crew for some Cafe Rio pre-movie goodness, and for some Potter Talk.

7. Take pictures outside the movie theater to show excitement.

 8. Sigh. Cry. Yelp. Cheer. Etc. The entire movie long because it was so AMAZING.
9. Take pictures inside of the theater.

10. Dedicate a whole blog post to Harry Potter.

Did you see the movie?? Did you love it as much as I did!?!?

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14 Responses to 10 Ways to Show You Really are a Nerd

  1. ha ha funny! I do not like Harry Potter but I love how into it you got. Love the treat bags. 🙂

  2. Fantastic! I STILL haven’t had a chance to see the movie because I was laid up in bed yesterday, but I will go next weekend if it kills me.

  3. Ashley says:

    We just saw the movie today. I told my hubby I wanted to get a shirt to wear. He laughed and told me no. Yours are pretty awesome!

  4. Shannon says:

    I’m so jealous! Haha. Sounds like a great time! Unfortunately I’ve only seen one of the movies in theaters, and haven’t even seen the first part of Deathly Hollows yet! But I so want to see the last one in theaters! But I’m afraid I might cry…

  5. How awesome! I love that you made such creative treats for the movie. I’m not into the movies, but I loved all the book so much!

  6. AHHH YOU ARE THE CUTEST THING IN THE WHOLE WORLD!!! You made all those treats…wow! WE ARE GOING TOMORROW AND I AM STOKED!!! LOVE you and can’t wait to elliptical with you soon:)

  7. Lovedlovedlovedit! I am jealous of your treats, they look amazing and so creative. I did the midnight showing too, but yours was much more fancy than mine!

  8. Your shirts are adorable! I love how into it you were! The treats turned so fun! Love it all!

  9. becomingrene says:

    I am the biggget Harry Potter geek. I reread all 7 books in preparation and watched most of the movies. I went to the midnight showing with my daughter and her friends. We got there super early so I brought my portable DVD player and watched Deathly Hallows pt 1 in the theater. Did I mention that I brought an entire box of kleenex? I’m going to see it again this weekend.

  10. Meghan says:

    STOP IT! Oh my gosh! I love your shirts and treat bags! This is seriously the cutest thing I’ve ever seen!

  11. Courtney says:

    you’re not a nerd, you’re AWESOME! love, love, love the shirts!!!

  12. Nichole says:

    I love it so cute! You mini Elaine! Looks like such a fun night! I am so excited to see it too!

  13. Ali says:

    Megan, I love you! I love all of the planning and such creativity. You are awesome!

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