Quack Quack.

Why was I not informed that Duck Beach is quite possibly the coolest place in the whole world? We’re staying here.  
 These houses line the beach. It makes for a picturesque view. I am in love with it. I’m going to try and capture it on camera, but I don’t know if it will do it justice.
The beach is so beautiful. I am seriously in love with this place.
 We of course had to do a quick photo shoot on the beach.

 My hair gets reaaaal crazy sometimes…

 Good news. I went running this morning 🙂
We’ve been staying up reaaallly late, and I am still on west coast time, so by the time I got out it was after 10:00 AM and by 11:00 when I came back I was sweating up a STORM. My foot did OK. I may take tomorrow off, just to be sure I don’t overdo it, but it was SO fun to run around a brand new place and explore. It was 96 today. I hear P-town was not so summery…yikes. I could get used to this…
I hope you had a fabulous Memorial Day!

How was your holiday weekend? I hope you did something fun and fabulous.

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7 Responses to Quack Quack.

  1. you should have picked me up on the way to this place. looks like a blast!!

  2. Jody, RD says:

    Your pictures are making me excited for our vacation! We’re leaving for Corolla (the town north of Duck) in 3.5 weeks!

  3. Stephanie says:

    Duck is really my favorite place I have ever visited. My heart just feels like it belongs there.

    It looks like you’re having a blast as well and your photos are adorable!

  4. We had our long weekend in Canana last weekend! Yours looked amazing! Glad you had a great time!

  5. Love the pictures Megan!! Have so much fun girl.

    Love ya!

  6. Julia says:

    girl you are gorgeous! Love the beach pics and glad you were able to enjoy a run 🙂 Hope you are having a blast!

  7. Megs, it looks like an amazing place! Love all your cute pics! You ladies are adorable! Have FUN!

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