Monthly Archives: May 2011

Love My Mama xoxoxo

Happy Mothers Day Mom!! You’re getting the back to back post today because I couldn’t go without saying How much I LOVE my sweet mom!I know I talk about her all the time, but it’s because she’s so incredible. She … Continue reading

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Near Perfection, and some healthier Mac n’ Cheese.

Yesterday was fabulous. After a morning of boot camp I got my own work out in.  – 60 mins of stair intervals. If you are looking for a way to bump up the intensity of your workout this is a … Continue reading

Posted in Recipes | 10 Comments

Papa Les Got Jimmered

Today I went with my M&D to the Carl Bloch painting exhibit at BYU. After we walked through we ventured over to the bookstore where this photo was taken. As I was taking it my dad said, “this picture better … Continue reading

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Ay-ay-ay-ay! What to eat at a Mexican restaraunt

Happy Cinco de Mayo! Holidays are so fun, right? I hope you are going to hit a piniata or eat a healthy whole wheat tortilla to celebrate! If this is how celebrating is done my tortilla eating would deem it … Continue reading

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May Moving Mix Giveaway

May is FINALLY here. Finally. I love the sounds of it. It means summer is coming, and that makes me so incredibly happy. As you know with the beginning of the month comes time for another mix giveaway. And here … Continue reading

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The Life of Awesome

I got to watch the Today Show this morning while I worked out. I love when that happens. They were talking about a book called, The Book of Awesome. I hadn’t ever heard of it before, but I absolutely loved … Continue reading

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Free Weights Vs. Machines…You asked. I’ll Answer.

You all know my love and adoration for resistance training. I mean I love to get a good cardiovascular sweat on, it’s true. However, I love feeling strong, capable, and challenged like I do with resistance training. The questions I … Continue reading

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Back from St. George with Some Banana Mini Muffins

St. George was glorious. We were only there for like 36 hours, but it felt so great to see the sun and do well…nothing basically… We managed to hit up my favorite location for some lunch. We got there before … Continue reading

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