Monthly Archives: May 2011

I Don’t Wanna Grow Up Cause I’m a Toys R’ Us Kid.

If someone could please tell Utah to SNAP out of it and stop trying to be Seattle I’d appreciate it. Thank you. It seriously hasn’t stopped raining for like 5 days. I’m going to have to start canoeing to work … Continue reading

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Things That Make Me Go Mmmmm….Cinnamon Swirl Muffins

You would think we’d be into some summer recipes about now, right? Well, the rain is relentless, so I just want warm and cozy still. Plus, this recipe is BOMB.   Workout today:90 minute intervals on the elliptical  10 mins … Continue reading

Posted in Recipes | 12 Comments

Sweat like whoa.

First things first. Thanks for all the love/support/advice for my poor little Macbook and I. She is currently in off mode still and getting de-moisturized with rice as was suggested to me by many peeps. I REALLY hope this works. … Continue reading

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i’m not gonna cry. I’m not gonna cry. I might cry.

So, last night while I was typing up my post I had a friend come visit. He and I were chatting and I turned to face him and my elbow knocked my glass of water right onto the keyboard of … Continue reading

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Well, if I were you I’d…

Advice is kind of a funny thing. It seems to be something that everyone loves to dish out, but who knows if it is ever backed by actual facts or if it is merely opinion or assumption. Some advice is … Continue reading

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Getting Local and Keeping it Healthy – Station 22 Cafe

I have a new love. Not like in a…I’m cheating on The Pizza Factory kind of way, but in a I’m VERY surprised that I found another salad bar that competes kind of way. Today’s workout was just fab.Worked out … Continue reading

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Did What I Could. Calling it good.

I don’t know what my problem is today, but it’s like someone zapped all my energy from me. It could be because I had to get up super early today.It could be because I had a GREAT but intense workout yesterday. … Continue reading

Posted in Lifestyle | 11 Comments

Wednesday Workouts

My Wednesday workouts are by far my favorite of the week. I have the most time and energy to get in some good solid lifting and some good cardio. The best part is I get to work out doing things … Continue reading

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Healthy Zucchini Lasagna

The seasons are a lil’ bit different in sunny AZ.  My parents love gardening and they take advantage of the warm spring months to grow some produce. I talked to my mom on the phone yesterday and she told me … Continue reading

Posted in Recipes | 22 Comments

Bi-Winning and the mother of all circuits

Guess what. I decided to pick TWO winners for the May Moving Mix Giveaway, just cause. So let’s get to the point of this real fast… Winner #1:#28 Jenn from Jenn’s Adventure’s Winner #2:#57 Ashley from Ash & Diz YAY!! … Continue reading

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