Yogurtland…It’s like an amusement park for your mouth.

I am pretty predictable. My friends/family make fun of me because it is pretty easy to determine what I do and don’t like. I stick to what I know I like and then I go with it. I am habitual with things like my sleep, exercise, and eating habits. I have a few favorite restaurants that I know offer healthy foods, and I don’t stray far from them. It’s not that I don’t like to try foods, it’s just that I know what works for me health-wise. I’ve told you before that one of my biggest fears is eating locations with unrecognizable ingredients and no discernible nutrition facts. Sometimes I think I know too much for my own good when it comes to food.

Anyways…if you were to ask anyone who knows me well what some of my favorite foods were they would most definitely say frozen yogurt. I love the stuff. Call it a trend, or a fad. Call it whatever you want, but you’d better call it delicious. Because I haven’t been eating sugar I’ve allowed frozen yogurt to be my treat. It is a healthy, low-cal, non-fat treat that actually has some nutrition to it! Bonus.

A few months ago I heard a rumor that there was going to be a Yogurtland opening right here in Orem, and I was STOKED. They have these allover in AZ, so whenever I go home to visit the fam we stop there at least once, and usually more than that. Lucky for me, and the rest of Utah county, the rumor was true.

This. My friends, is the best frozen yogurt I have ever had. That being said, you should know a few things. 
1) I have eaten a LOT of frozen yogurt in my day. I would even go as far as to say that I’m a connoisseur of sorts.
2) I am picky about my yogurt. While some may just eat whatever they see and not know the difference. I can tell you if it’s not frozen enough. Hasn’t been mixing for long enough. Etc. Sad? No way. Talent. 
3) I basically consider frozen yogurt a food group.
4) I wouldn’t lie to you about such a beloved topic
When I was asked to do a review of what Yogurtland has to offer I was more than ready to come out with my best critiquing skills possible. 
The process goes a little something like this…
Upon entering you are given some sample cups in which you self serve the flavors you deem most delicious. They offer 16 different flavors which they rotate on a weekly basis. 
 You can then serve yourself up as much yogurt as you can handle. (Or as much as you feel like you should handle.) I’m pretty sure I could “handle” to eat a lot more than I should…
 You then weigh your yogurt and pay by the ounce. I love this aspect. You can go in and get just a little taste to curb your sweet tooth, get small sizes for your kids, or just get some yogurt for lunch. Done. Done. and Done.

 Today my fabulous creation went a little something like this…Peanut Butter Cup, Double Stuffed Oreo, and Vanilla Wafer Yogurt with a sprinkle of granola, and lots of fresh fruit. (Bananas, strawberries, kiwi, blackberries, and blueberries.) It was divine.
Clearly I was content with my choice…It was reeaallly good.
(I would apologize for the fact that I’m rocking my gym clothes in public, but let’s be honest. That is me 98% of the week.) 
Some other great things you should know about Yogurtland…

– All of the yogurt flavors are made with REAL ingredients. Real mango, real pistachio, real peaches etc.
– 95% of their yogurt flavors are fat free. BOMB. The 5% that aren’t are extremely low in fat.
– All of the yogurt flavors are high in calcium, and protein.
– Yogurtland’s yogurt contains probiotics that are fabulous for your digestive health.

– The toppings are fresh! They are cut and prepared the same day. Fruits include; strawberries, mangoes, blueberries, blackberries, kiwi, watermelon, bananas, Lychee, and more fruits based on the seasons. I tried a Lychee today…it’s like a weird pear. I liked it! I didn’t even know there was such a thing.
– Most flavors have about 35-40 calories per ounce no fat, and about a gram of protein.

 Frozen yogurt is a great healthy option for a snack, treat, and if you’re me…lunch/dinner 🙂 It’s a great post workout food because it has a good amount of carbohydrates and protein, and it’s just good. I HIGHLY recommend you get there and give it a try. You won’t be disappointed…and we may just run into each other. I plan on spending a lot of time there.

This is my generous new friend Michael. 
He is the brains behind this yogurty goodness.
 Why is he generous you ask? 

Well…Michael is partnering up with MuncherCruncher to do a GIVEAWAY!! 
It’s a good one too! 
Michael is giving away TWO $20 Yogurtland gift cards to my readers. I am so happy about this.
To enter to win the first gift card you must
1) Become a Muncher Cruncher follower and leave a comment saying you’ve done so (one entry)
2) Click HERE and join the I Love Yogurtland of Orem group on Facebook leave a comment saying you’ve done so (second entry)
3) Leave a comment on I Love Yogurtland of Orem’s FB page telling them why YOU love frozen yogurt! (third entry)
4) Follow Yogurtland on Twitter. Click HERE to do so. Leave a comment (fourth entry)
5) Link to this post on your blog or FB page, or tweet about it! Leave the link as a comment. (fifth entry) 
Now, that is a lot of entry options!
To enter to win the second gift card you must
1) Visit Yogurtland at 534 E. University Pkwy in Orem, and take a photo of your yogurt and email it to me at megolina21 at gmail.com
Both easy, and delicious. 
I’m sorry to all of you out-of-staters, but if you can’t get to Yogurtland to redeem your goods, you aren’t able to win, so you should probably move here just for this giveaway and so we can all work out together. Thank you SO MUCH for such an awesome giveaway Michael! Yogurtland is THE BOMB!
You have until Wednesday March 23rd at 11:59 PM to enter. The winner will be chosen through random.org.
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57 Responses to Yogurtland…It’s like an amusement park for your mouth.

  1. Stefanie D. says:

    I joined the Yogurtland Group!

  2. Rochelle says:

    I joined the facebook Yogurtland Group

  3. Rochelle says:

    I’m blogging about this giveaway tonight!

  4. Rene says:

    Tempting to move there. However I hate being cold and don’t think I could survive the winters. A visit will have to do.

  5. i LOVE reading your blog megs! of course i follow you and i just asked to join that group on fb. we are probably going to yl tonight so i will send you a pic of my lovely creation!

  6. Kate says:

    When I moved to San Diego, I knew it was the right place for me when I saw self-serve frozen yogurt shops on every street corner. I thought I had died and gone to heaven!

    (now, I’m vegan so no more yummy fro yo for me). 🙁

  7. You know i follow you! 🙂 and seeing as how we are meeting there in an hour i will take pictures! 🙂

  8. oatsandspice says:

    Oh my lord! A YOGURTLAND GIVEAWAY – best idea everrrrr 🙂 🙂 – I am following your blog!

  9. oatsandspice says:

    I joined the Yogurtland group

  10. oatsandspice says:

    I follow Yogurtland on Twitter now 🙂

  11. oatsandspice says:

    Don’t you love how Yogurtland has unlimited samples – that place is the BESTT and all of the flavors are so amazing!

  12. oatsandspice says:

    I’m blogging about this giveaway tonight too 🙂

  13. Mickelle says:

    megan. i feel the EXACT same way about frozen yogurt. I have eaten for a meal many a times. i’m glad we share the love!

  14. i want it! BOO! I’ll move to UTAH or AZ for the time being.
    Can I move it with you?

  15. I LOVE yogurt. We used to do weekly dates, but now i’m being deprived 🙁

    I bought the limit of Groupons to my favorite place the other day, so now even if Dan won’t take me, i’ll blow the whole Groupon myself 😉

  16. Those pictures are making me hungry…looks delish! I didn’t realize I wasn’t a public follower, now I am!

  17. I joined the FB Yougurtland Group.

  18. OneLoveSarah says:

    I loveeeeee Yogurtland! Why are they sooo good! Even though I live in AZ the last time I ate it was in Hawaii!

  19. Amber Handy says:

    I am now a follower 🙂

  20. Amber Handy says:

    Joined the FB group too!

  21. I posted the link on FB. 🙂

  22. Lindsey says:

    I follow your blog girlfriend and love it!!!

  23. Lindsey says:

    Joined the yogurtland fb group!

  24. Rene says:

    Totally unrelated but I made the zucchini cookies and may have had a few (or ten). My kids love ’em too.

  25. Julia says:

    eeeeeeeek!!! this makes me SO happy! I love yogurtland…I think I am going tomorrow after my workout…YUM! I follow you!

  26. Julia says:

    I joined the facebook group!

  27. Julia says:

    I follow them on twitter!!

  28. Stephanie says:

    I am OBSESSED with frozen yogurt and NEED to get myself to a Yogurtland ASAP.

    Right now my current obsession in Yagoot frozen yogurt. If you have tried this kind, what do you think are some of the differences?

  29. My daughter asks daily to go to Yogurtland!!

  30. Edible Art says:

    although the “hype” over yogurt land, died out last year, its still a delicious snack to get once in awhile!
    Mmm (:

  31. I joined the Yogurtland group!!! woot woot! Can you believe that I forgot to take a pic of my yogurt yesterday? Doh!

  32. Nichole says:

    Love that you got yogurtland! It is the best!!!!!

  33. I’m not in Orem but just wanted to say how stinkin’ cute you are in your yogurt picture! 🙂

  34. Love Yogurtland! Fun post Megan! Can’t wait to go there while in Utah!

  35. Benita says:

    I follow Yogurtland on twitter!

  36. Sarah says:

    Im a follower =)

    Theirs actually a Yogurtland right across the street from where i live but ive never been! I thought it was just a typical ‘junk food ice cream type place’. How do you eyeball or know about how much yogurt an ounce is?

  37. I facebooked it! 🙂 and I added it to my last blog, too! 🙂

  38. The Proctors says:

    I am a I Love Yogurt Land in Orem fan on Facebook!

  39. The Proctors says:

    I facebooked about the give away!

  40. Claire says:

    I’m A follower!

  41. Claire says:

    And I just became a member of the Yogurtland group…

  42. i blogged about it on my blog!

  43. and i added them on twitter~

  44. i am a new follower! i recently found your blog and have been loving it. i’ve heard so much about yogurtland and have been dying to try it! i hope i win!!

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