Monthly Archives: March 2011

Sunday Sweets

Happy Sunday. Thanks for all the warm well wishes. Here at the Smith Family household there are somethings that we consider staples. I can guarantee you that there are certain items that will ALWAYS be in stock at our house, … Continue reading

Posted in Recipes | 17 Comments

Just Like That.

Today I woke up in a different state. I don’t mean like a state of being…I mean location…yesterday I was in Utah and today I am in Arizona. Yesterday I felt 40 degree temps and today I am basking in … Continue reading

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Been There Done That.

Here we go. Here we go. Here we go again. sd

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Burn Baby Burn.

It’s no secret that I am a HUGE fan of circuit training. Some of you have asked why that is, and so I thought I’d delve a little deeper into the WHY factory here. 1. Circuit training is efficient.We are … Continue reading

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Exercise of the week: Circuit Workout & 53 degree temps.

Do you sometimes feel like you accidentally clicked on a link to the weather channel for Provo, UT when you read my posts? Oops! Oh well. 🙂The past two days here have been AWESOME. I ran outside yesterday and it … Continue reading

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March Madness Mix Giveaway

March is here!!! It feels like February FLEW by. Awesome. Bring on the spring!! I couldn’t be more excited about this months mix giveaway. I have been listening to these songs non-stop for the past couple days, and I’m LOVING … Continue reading

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