Saturday Ramblings…

Happy Saturday!! 
I love Saturdays. I really do.

This morning’s boot camp class was awesome.
The girls really pushed themselves. and we were all reaaalll schweaty. A great sign 🙂 I mentioned before that weekly I am going to bring all of the campers a healthy recipe. Well, one of the girls went and bought these DARLING binders for everyone to create healthy recipe books from. The sense of community that has come in this class is so fun to be a part of. It reminded me the benefit that come from having a positive support group.

Post boot camp and training I went to the gym by my house to get some more cardio in. I needed to burn a few more calories, and I wanted a change in location. (Truth be told I knew there was going to be a Glee Marathon on Oxygen today…what a great way to take my mind of doing cardio.) I wasn’t STOKED about doing cardio, but I ran into JANAE, one of my favorite people in this world. We ended up chatting for a bit and she got me through the first 15 minutes of gettin’ my sweat on before she had to go. Why is it that the first 15 minutes are sometimes the hardest??

Cardio went something like this…30 minutes of intervals on the elliptical. 10 minutes of intervals on the stairs. One 10 minute sprint on the treadmill at a 7:30 pace.

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