Monthly Archives: February 2011

Sunday Ramblings…and an exercise of the week.

Happy Super Bowl Sunday!! I hope your parties, food fests, and naps have been remarkable.I love the weekend. I really do. Yesterday morning’s boot camp class was awesome.The girls really pushed themselves. and we were all reaaalll schweaty. A great sign … Continue reading

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Saturday Ramblings…

Happy Saturday!! I love Saturdays. I really do. This morning’s boot camp class was awesome.The girls really pushed themselves. and we were all reaaalll schweaty. A great sign 🙂 I mentioned before that weekly I am going to bring all of … Continue reading

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It’s a “Fit Friday” along with some Super Bowl Snacks

Oh the Super Bowl. Aka: The food fest that brings out the football player sized appetite in all of us. I’ll be honest when I say I watch the super bowl for two things. The half time show and the … Continue reading

Posted in Recipes | 14 Comments

McSteamy Those Veggies

I am a vegetable freak. I love them. Aside from celery, which I think was God’s experimental vegetable and will suffer through if necessary…I can’t think of a vegetable that I don’t like. Vegetables can take time to prep if … Continue reading

Posted in Recipes | 18 Comments

February Favorites Mix

I am so excited it’s February. For so many reasons…I LOVE Valentines day. I LOVE that I am going to Arizona in one week. I LOVE the fact that it’s a short month and we’re getting closer to warmth. Most … Continue reading

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I love Shadowless Groundhogs Day’s & Apple Cores.

Punxatawney Phil is my main man today. I thought it was just standard that he always saw his shadow, but news that spring will come a little earlier this year couldn’t be more well received; especially after my bone chilling … Continue reading

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YouBars: Product Review

Life gets very busy, and when it does I like to be prepared. I sometimes get caught busy at work with no time to eat, and because I get headaches when I don’t eat I plan ahead. I  I always … Continue reading

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Dancing Blondies

Oh Mondays. They come, and sometimes I am just not ready for them. I hope you all had an awesome weekend! I for sure did. All of your comments on your favorite salad bar made me want to drive an … Continue reading

Posted in Lifestyle, Recipes | 11 Comments