Monthly Archives: December 2010

A Holiday Treat You’ll Be Craving

My core body temperature must be like ten degrees colder than normal, because I swear I’m always cold! I love warm foods in the winter to warm up my chilled bones. One of my favorite body warming treats is Swiss … Continue reading

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Getting Back In The Groove

Getting into a good fitness routine is a great habit to form. Unfortunately, sometimes when things get crazy it is a habit that we let go. Regarding this topic my darling friend, Cami asked this question… “What would you recommend … Continue reading

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Free Phat Camp Class! Date Change

Date change! We are going to be changing the Free Trial Phat Camp class to Tuesday December 7th at 7:00. I hope that doesn’t mess anyone up too bad! Don’t forget to email me ( if you are interested in … Continue reading

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Free Boot Camp Class!

GREAT NEWS. I know I mentioned about a month ago that we’re going to do a boot camp class. Well, it’s going to happen and I’m REALLY excited about it. It’s going to be awesome! It will be a killer … Continue reading

Posted in Lifestyle | 4 Comments

No Soup For You!

Seinfeld anyone? I love this episode.   Always funny. I don’t know what it is about this cold the past few weeks, but all I’ve wanted is soup. I had some delicious Idaho spuds that a client brought for me, … Continue reading

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