Monthly Archives: December 2010

Watch that first step. It’s a dooooosie.

I almost fell of the stair climber this morning. You know…the revolving stairs that are somewhat merciless and don’t take no for an answer. The ones that just keep going and going and going. Yep. Those are the ones. It … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 4 Comments

A Little Monday Inspiration

And by a little, I mean a LOT. It is amazing the connections we make with people in the blogging world. It seems like everyone has a story to tell about how they got to where they are in life. … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 10 Comments

Oh, make me over…I’m all I wanna be…

Thank you Courtney Love. She is a crazy lady…that is for sure.  Anyways…that song kept playing in my head as I typed up this post. The first, of many, recipe makeovers!  Leisa wrote in with a few recipes, and I … Continue reading

Posted in Recipes | 2 Comments

Exercise of the Week: New Circuit Workout

Saturday’s are glorious.They just are. This morning was our work Christmas Party for Elevate. It was so much fun! We had a breakfast and just hung out at this sweet barn in Wallsburg. I was reminded once again how lucky … Continue reading

Posted in Lifestyle | 2 Comments

All I eat is oatmeal, peanut butter, and bananas.

Or so it may appear at least. I promise I do actually eat more than just oatmeal, peanut butter, and bananas, but who can be mad it’s just such a great combination. Last night we had a community appreciation night … Continue reading

Posted in Lifestyle, Recipes | 3 Comments

Breakfast IS for champions. Oh, and I want the bling.

Did you think I was talking about a ring? Well, I wasn’t. I mean I want that too…don’t get me wrong, but I was talking about this beauty I spotted whilst working out yesterday.  Tell me that is not the … Continue reading

Posted in Lifestyle | 6 Comments

Thank You Matt Lauer

Happy Hump Day! This morning I had a break in between clients, and was able to get some good cardio in. While doing some intervals on the elliptical I watched the Today Show. I was happy as can be. I … Continue reading

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Time flies when you’re having fun…

Two weeks. (Well two weeks and a day-ish) And I will be back home in Arizona for a week of holiday celebrating. I can’t believe that, and I must say I am really excited. The Christmas season is just a … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 3 Comments

The Hungry Runner Girl’s Christmas Gift Guide

Christmas gifts are the best. Are you wondering what to ask for this year? Well, my darling friend Janae can help you out there. I asked her to make a list of all her fitness favorites, and now I want … Continue reading

Posted in Lifestyle | 6 Comments

Happy Feet

Do you know what this is? I feel like some of you just might recognize it. If you guessed mileage on a treadmill, you are RIGHT. I RAN TODAY!!!!! It has officially been two months since last ran, when I … Continue reading

Posted in Lifestyle | 5 Comments