Monthly Archives: December 2010

Oh there you are IT bands…

In my running-less past two months I must not have used the good ole’ IT band in all of my cross training much. Since I’ve been running the past two days they have let me know they are both definitely … Continue reading

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You win this time Mother Nature…

This morning went a little something like this…5:15 AM headed to work Attempt #1 = FAIL.Mother Nature: 1 Megan: 0 I canceled my first two clients because it was pretty clear I wasn’t going anywhere. I came back inside and … Continue reading

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Some mornings are awful, and some mornings are GREAT…oh and some recipes taste better made over.

This morning was a GREAT morning. Benita and I hit the gym for an early morning run. I was really excited and a little nervous, because this was only run #2 since I busted my ankle/foot about two months ago. I managed seven … Continue reading

Posted in Lifestyle, Recipes | 3 Comments

Zucchini Cookies, Pizza, and A Some Sylish Bloggers

First of all. If you haven’t entered the Christmas Mix Giveaway do it right now. You have until Wednesday, December 23rd!! 🙂 This weekend has FLOWN by, sheesh…I’m not mad about it. That just means I am a few days … Continue reading

Posted in Lifestyle, Recipes | 6 Comments

Put A Little Spin On Your Lettuce

Are you ready for Christmas? I’m almost there! I did some Christmas shopping today, and it is a zoo everywhere. It didn’t even bother me though, it just made me more and more excited that Christmas is officially ONE week … Continue reading

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Music makes me lose control.

I love music. In all settings really. I love it in my car, when I’m cleaning, at church, and MOST DEFINITELY when I’m working out. It is amazing the ability it has to totally pump me up. I have danced … Continue reading

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Dear Santa

Remember writing letters to Santa? My sister Lindsey posted this on her blog the other day. It’s a letter my nephew Boston wrote to Santa this year. Don’t we all feel like that sometimes? So darling.  This week has been … Continue reading

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ONE WEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!!!! And some healthy vacation strategies.

Can you tell I’m excited about something? One week from today I will be going home to AZ for Christmas. I love everything about this idea. Christmas. Family. Traditions. Food. Warm temperatures. Shopping. Etc. Etc. Etc. I love it. I … Continue reading

Posted in Lifestyle | 7 Comments

An Apple A Day…

This morning I got full off of an apple. Don’t worry I had already eaten my morning oatmeal before work. This was my morning snack, but i actually didn’t finish the apple because it was HUGE. I didn’t know that … Continue reading

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The Easiest Dinner Ever…

Today was crazy. I had a busy work schedule, and I knew I wouldn’t have a lot of time to make dinner, so I decided the crock pot was going to be the answer. This is a dish that my … Continue reading

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