Dear Santa

Remember writing letters to Santa? My sister Lindsey posted this on her blog the other day. It’s a letter my nephew Boston wrote to Santa this year.

Don’t we all feel like that sometimes?
So darling. 

This week has been full of really early mornings at work which means come Friday I am reaaaall tired. When I’m super tired I tend to gravitate towards less healthy food, so I have to be super careful. Because I knew this was going to be the case today I was stoked when my dad called me at lunch on my way home from work and told me he’d bought me a Subway sandwich for lunch.
Whole wheat, turkey, all the veggies, and a little fat free ranch. It hit the spot. Oh bless you Daddy-o. 
It’s amazing how business/tiredness is a trigger for poor food choices for MANY people. When your schedule is packed and you don’t have time to prepare something healthy, often times unhealthy quick options come in, and before you know it you’ve scarfed down half a bag of cookies. Don’t let your busy schedule dictate your diet. Have in mind some healthy options that you can reach for if you are in a rush. Portion out some leftovers and freeze them, so all you have to do is defrost. Make easy access fruit a main staple. Apples, pears, oranges, bananas, etc. are all grab and go foods that you can eat wherever you are. If you absolutely have to do fast food pick healthy options! Don’t use the excuse that, “when life calms down,” you’ll start eating healthy. It could be a long long time before that happens.
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