Christmas Mix Giveaway Winner!!!

We have a winner!! Congrats to Natalie Cates!
Natalie said…
Like a G6 is definitely amazing. I have always wondered what in the world a G6 actually is, cause if I’m going to sing it at the top of my lungs I should probably know what it is right? Have you ever wondered what it is…well aaathankyou Urban Dictionary.
Thank you Far East Movement for informing us what a G6 is. I honestly thought it was probably something sexual or dealing with drugs, so I feel pretty good about this news. I guess the message of the song still isn’t the best…whatever. It pumps me up when I’m working out. If you haven’t heard this song click HERE and listen. You’ll love it.
ANYWAYS…that was a total tangent. Wow. Natalie…email me at so you can claim your prize!
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One Response to Christmas Mix Giveaway Winner!!!

  1. I am PUMPED!!! I literally yelled “SWEET!!!!” when I saw my name.

    I emailed you already 🙂

    Thanks and merry christmas!

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